CHAPTER 13: An eye for an eye

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Evan Cooper

As soon as Evan walked into the locker room, he realized something was off. Damien was spacing around the room, clenching his jaw and balling his fists.

"Have you heard what your pet did yesterday?" Damien demanded as soon as he spotted Evan.

"What? Who?" Evan had no idea what he was talking about. He opened his bag and was about to dig out his sportswear, when Damien started talking again.

"Junior broke my brother's nose. Ronald is only 15!" Damien was furious. Apparently for a good reason.

"What?" Evan's stomach lurched and he turned to face Damien, not believing what he had just heard.

"Yeah, you heard right! That little fuck just attacked my brother for no reason. I swear I'm going to make him regret it, big time." Damien harangued, but Evan barely even registered what he was saying anymore.

Evan's mind wasn't in the game, and the coach got frustrated with his and Damien's hassle on the field. So, the practice ended up being a total disaster. Evan showered quickly and changed his clothes, still only thinking about what Damien had said. He must have been lying. Junior was doing better and he had kept his angry outbursts in control for months.

When Evan spotted the familiar slender frame leaning his back on the wall in the hallway, he rushed to him. He could see from Junior's expression that he already knew what Evan wanted to talk about.

"Is it true what Damien just told me?" Evan demanded, not bothering to move the conversation somewhere out of the other student's earshot.

"It is, but —"

"It is? What the fuck Junior?" Evan cut him short. His heart sank with disappointment.

"I wasn't —" Junior started, but Evan interrupted him again. He was too furious to think straight, let alone let Junior try to explain it all away.

"He's only 15 and he didn't even do anything, so why on Earth would you do something so stupid?"

"Are you that quick to judge me and believe everything Damien said?" Junior asked. He sounded angry, yet mostly hurt and desperate.

"Do you seriously think you can have a good reason to break a kid's nose? Gosh, you were right to say you always fuck things up." Evan huffed angrily.

"Can't you just listen for a —" Junior snapped, his eyes burning with fury.

"No. I'm done listening to your bullshit." Evan retorted, shaking his head, and then continued: "Do you really think you can do anything just because your dad hits you?"

Junior winced, taking a step back as the enraged expression fell from his face. His eyes widened from shock: Evan had spilled out his secret in the middle of a hallway.

"Oh god. I'm sorry, I —" Evan breathed when he realized what he had done. Junior had turned as pale as a ghost.

This time it was Junior who cut him short, but instead of saying anything, he turned on his heels and rushed into the classroom. Evan couldn't get to Junior before the teacher showed up and all their classmates started flowing in after her. He had no other option than to take his seat.

Junior didn't look good: his face was ashen and his shoulders all tensed up, when he stared at the wall behind their teacher. He didn't take his book or notebook from his bag, he just sat there completely still.

When Evan looked at Junior, he felt horrible. He had just told everyone the secret that was never supposed to see daylight. He was the one who had fucked up, big time.

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