CHAPTER 6: Decisions

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Evan Cooper

Evan had always loved parties: the loud music, the smell of cigarettes and the crowd of people. The problem was that getting into one had become increasingly difficult. His parents had always been strict to the point of being overprotective, but during the last year they had taken it to a whole other level. And so, sneaking out was his only ticket to the night life.

"Where did you disappear to?" Evan asked Carla, who was standing by the beer keg. It was getting late, but the kitchen was still crowded.

"Oh, hi. I was just talking with Junior." Carla was slurring a bit, but he smiled and moved so Evan could get his refill.

"Is Junior here too?" Evan asked, surprised by the jump it gave to his heart. Why on Earth would he be excited knowing a guy who hated his guts was invited as well?

"Yeah, he's upstairs by himself." Carla said and for a passing moment she had a sad look in her green eyes.

"Okay, cool." Evan nodded and for some unknown reason he headed to the stairs. Junior had actually and for real come to a party. Who knows, maybe he did that all the time, and Evan was just making his own assumptions.

"Be careful or you'll fall." Evan greeted Junior as he climbed to the roof, sitting next to him. Junior's eyes were wide when he turned to look at Evan.

"If you're here to talk about my dad.." Junior didn't finish his sentence.

"I'm not. I just came here to keep you company." Evan said and smiled. Junior gave him an assessing look. Evan couldn't help but revere the color of his eyes. Then he retorted, apparently drunker than he had thought: "You should still consider moving somewhere safer."

"Why bother?" Junior pointed out, dismissively, and lit a cigarette, inhaling a lungful of gray smoke.

"Well, for instance people would be sad, if something happened to you."

"Yeah, like who?" Junior snorted.

"I would be, and your dad might be too." Evan blurted out. Junior glanced at him curiously, making Evan realize he had admitted he would be sad if anything happened to him.

"My dad, really? He would get good money from me. I have life insurance — I think." Junior laughed dryly.

"Oh come on, I'm sure he loves you. Somewhere deep down, but still." Evan just said, making Junior grow quiet.

"I was 6 years old when I stumbled down the stairs. I woke up from the sticky floor and Paul just sat there staring at me. He was drinking beer and smoking. He had even brought a chair, so that he could sit while waiting. When I opened my eyes there was only one emotion in his eyes: disappointment. Does that sound like a loving father do you?" Junior turned to look at Evan, his gaze defiant.

"What?" Evan gasped. It took a while before he could continue: "Why do you stay there then?"

"It isn't any better in the social care system, believe me. They would just take PB away from me. Besides, I'll turn 18 soon, and then I'm out of here." Junior explained.

"What if something happens before you turn 18?" Evan asked. It was something he had been thinking about a lot. They weren't friends, so Evan shouldn't have spent all his free time worrying about Junior. But he did.

"Then you should take care of my dog, PB. I don't want her near Paul alone." Junior decided. It was like he didn't care about himself, all that mattered was his dog.

They talked like that for an hour or so. Evan told Junior a little about his family and why they had moved to town. He didn't have many stories to tell, but it was nice to see Junior actually wanted to hear what he said. Maybe he cared after all. After two thirds of a whiskey bottle, but that must still have meant he cared a little. Somewhere deep, deep down.

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