CHAPTER 12: A spoiled brat

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Evan Cooper

Evan had kissed Junior. Okay, it was more like a peck, but nevertheless their lips had touched. He didn't plan on doing so, but the way Junior had looked at him..

The most surprising part was that Junior didn't beat him to pulp because of the kiss. Or peck, or whatever. He didn't even seem angry, just surprised. Even as they didn't talk about it, Evan knew Junior couldn't stop thinking about it just as much as he couldn't.

They played games and, to Evan's surprise, Junior had never done that before. To which Junior had a good explanation: "We don't even have a TV and I don't have friends, so how could I possibly have tried?"

Late at night Junior fell asleep on Evan's bed, instead of going to the guest room. PB leaped on the bed as well, nestling against Junior's back. Evan switched off the game and took the gamepad from Junior's hand. He didn't make a sound, when he tiptoed to switch off the light and scrambled to the bed next to Junior.

Evan barely slept that night. It was like all his nerves were awake and every cell in his body was pulled towards the guy next to him. This thing with Junior already felt bigger and more meaningful than any of Evan's previous relationships had been.

Maybe it was because Evan had never shared a secret so big with anyone but Junior. It was Junior's secret, yet Evan had become the one Junior could rely on. And because of that Evan got to see the real person behind all the anger which drove others away.

There was something so special about Junior. Not just the secrets he hid, but the way he could switch from angry to adorable without even noticing it. The way his silver eyes lit up when he saw PB and the way he smiled when he forgot to pretend there wasn't all that warmth hidden underneath.

The reason Evan couldn't sleep wasn't just nerves, mostly it was because he couldn't keep his eyes shut. He wanted to stare at the person sleeping so peacefully next to him.

Dario Ortiz

Two hours ago Dario had had a fight with his mom. She had found Dario's sleeping pills, which had made her distraught. Elisa had burst out crying and frantically searched through Dario's room and bag, until she also found the blue ones.

Dario had felt horrible for causing her that much worry, but he was also aghast. How could he possibly make it without the pills? How could he manage, if he had to stay up for yet another night? There was no way to make Elisa understand those pills were his only option, the only way he could keep the memories away and the crushing anxiety off his chest.

"Don't take them away. I need them. Please, mom." Dario had pleaded, but that only made Elisa cry more. She had started yelling and saying she had no other option than to take him to the hospital and lock him into a psychiatric ward. After hearing that Dario had panicked and ran away.

And well, as he needed new pills and Mark had invited Dario to his party, it was where he headed. Dario had thought he wouldn't see Mark again, let alone go to his party, after what had happened at the lake, but now he didn't have other choices.

Things had gotten out of control in just a week. Dario had yelled at Brian and literally shoved off his attempt to help. He had lost the last remnants of his appetite and he felt groggy during the days. But the pills gave him comfort and he could fall and stay asleep without trouble. His memories had little hold on him.

In no time Dario made it to Mark's house. It was a modern house with big windows and flat roofs. On the second floor was a big balcony with a pool and a bar counter. The yard was crowded with expensive sports cars and the house packed with people.

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