Interlude: World Wide Reactions!

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Summary: Reactions to the personality switch finale video! Both Arkham and civilian viewers have a LOT to say

Barbara's P.O.V
When I first heard Dick's idea to this whole revenge prank, I was thinking he had gone crazy... but now, boy was it worth it all!

Let me start over, you see after he had called me and explained the plan, I was skeptical at first since I didn't know about the whole prank thing going on and also cause I hadn't been on social media for awhile either. Anyway after that talk I decided to check out the past live videos by hacking into Tim's phone and found myself downloading said videos for a good laugh in the future

However, now we'll get into the part about actually capturing their newest stunt today. While I waited for their patrol time, I got to work on the drone Dick had send me discreetly in the afternoon and made a few adjustments and also modifications for the phone in my hand

Finally when it was time, the drone was let out of my room and I watched as it slowly and carefully made its way towards the unsuspecting bat. I waited for a while as I looked on the GPS signal to make sure nothing had happened and was happy to say it was a success!

With that in mind, I opened up Tim's Instagram account and saw the live video footage streaming and took notice of the fact that it seems it had already started

"I can't take it! You are all driving me nuts!" Bruce yelled out

I couldn't help but feel bad for Bruce. But I guess this is what happens when he grounds the terrible 4 and doesn't think about the consequences

"What's gotten into you? Maybe we need to run some more tests?" Damian said with a needle in his hand all of a sudden

Huh wonder where he got that-wait what am I saying! He's a bat!

"No! No more tests! You already ran them before and they all came back negative on whether I was hit with something or not... my only conclusion is I am in fact in the freaking Twilight Zone and this is my punishment... a cruel one that is making me lose both my mind and sanity!"

"Huh so you do have sanity left in you" Tim said in a very good Jason like tone

I couldn't help it, this is hilarious! I can see why Dick wanted this to be filmed in the first place. This right here is comedy gold!

Heck even the comments pouring in were funny! To name a few these were my absolute favourite comments! I even pinned them since I was on Tim's account after all and noticed a few others in the hero business also commenting too!


"That's the way to do it Wing! Can't believe you and the others actually did this!" (Wally)

"My life is now complete!"

"To think the big bad bat would crack like this!"

"Now am I happy you never did something like this when we were working together or when I hit you with a fire gun, Hood! Maybe I'll enlist you guys for pranking Green Arrow or at least give me ideas for revenge! HAHA! :p" (Roy)

"I cannot wait to see what's next on the list for these guys! People have even started making hash tags and trends too!"

"That's it! I'm making my notifications for this be on maximum volume! I can't miss a single video!"

"Viral time for Batman!"

"Each time these get funnier and funnier! Wonder what will be next?"

What would be funnier than this? I can say without hesitation that the Robins will soon have something in mind to top this off

Meanwhile in Arkham Asylum
"Don't worry Bats, once we get back to the bat cave Red will get to work on what's going on with you"

"AHH ENOUGH!" Batman screamed walking away from 'Nightwing' who following him

Everyone watching the live video could only stare in disbelief... the Batman had actually cracked!

Joker was on the ground in sadness. He couldn't believe that a bunch of bird boys would be the ones to crack the Batman... he might as well go kill himself at this rate! Actually he had seen a nice looking rope and box that may become his new friends later on

Suddenly a new live video was being broadcasted as Harley pressed on it and everyone saw the true Red Robin, only to see him get pushed off the screen by Nightwing, who looked at the screen with a smirk on his face "Hello people of the world!"

"Hope you enjoyed the show these last days" Red Hood said from off camera

"Now time for opinions! What'd you think about this? Hood? Red?"

"While it was thought to act like you, being all sunshine and rainbows... I have to say I enjoyed doing this to the old man" was the second Robin's response, as many Arkham inmates paled at what was just said

"As much as I wasn't in agreement with this whole idea... I have to say the results paid off! Never would I have imagined this work, but behold it did!" Red Robin said back on the screen

"I must admit that this was a nice way at doing what you called payback. Father very much deserved this after grounding us" the current Robin said with crossed arms

"PAYBACK! THIS WAS ALL FOR PAYBACK!" the voice of a hysteric Batman was heard from the background

"And that's our cue to run for our lives!" Nightwing said, letting go of the phone as Red Robin glared at him "Till next time viewers of the world!"

Red Robin rolled his eyes "For the record, if we die than blame Nightwing since it was his plan"

With that, the live video ended, but not without hearing Batman screaming after the Robins

The inmates sighed in defeat as they got the little money on them and passed it to a very pleased Two-Face and a few others who had been correct in the assumption that the Robins had been in fact pretending the whole time

Harley was the only one to voice everyone's opinion "Never make a bet against Two-Face... he's scary accurate"

Everyone couldn't help but agree with this and they silently cried at having lost their money

Author's Note: Here's the reactions of our personality switch finale as requested on fanfic! Barbara has finally made an appearance in this fanfic and we get the return of the Arkham inmates too! Also wanted to include by saying thank you to TheLaughingMan1 on Fanfiction for the newest summary of this fanfic :) P.S. for the reactions if they weren't good enough for some of you. Till next time everyone ;)

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