Personality Switch as Payback (Finale)

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Summary: It's the Robins last day as acting like one another and they plan to finish with a bang!

Tim's P.O.V
I woke up and noticed the clock read 11:30am... why was I waking up late again? Oh right! I'm supposed to be acting like Jason once again and like yesterday needed to get up later than I usually do. Since I know that everyone else should be awake by now, I make my way downstairs with my hair all messed up for our last day as acting like one another

Now some of you might ask; how are you going to end this whole idea? That's easy, Dick had the idea of making a live video of all of acting this way to confuse the public and also if possible catch Bruce freaking out too. I will admit at first I wasn't all that convinced, but after considering how unfair Bruce had been with our punishment, went right along with the idea. Besides we could have done worse than a personality switch as payback after all

Soon I entered the kitchen and saw an amusing sight. Both Dick and Damian were at each other's throats... literally, while Jason was seen trying to break them apart and Alfred ignoring the scene as if it was a regular occurrence. I will admit however that seeing Dick and Damian act this way towards one another was slightly weird since they have a special bond with each other

I turned my head towards the only one who seemed the most lost; Bruce. If I wasn't acting like Jason, I would feel sorry for him. His whole appearance screamed of someone losing their mind. I swear if I was a mind reader, then I'd probably hear Bruce trying to come up with an answer to why this was happening... actually I'm sorta surprised he hasn't figured it out yet

"Timmy! Don't just stand there! Help me stop them from killing each other" Jason cries out as he grabbed a hold of Damian's red hood and took the knife from Dick's hand

I rolled my eyes at this "Nah, you seem to be handling things well enough Jaybird" I said with a smirk, making my way towards the counter and sitting on it as if to watch a show, hiding a laugh as I saw Jason's facial expression at having to deal with the two

Bruce suddenly stood up from his seat and as if in a trance, started making his way towards the living room. Once out of hearing range, both Dick and Damian stopped their fighting as Jason collapsed onto the seat beside him and looked tiredly at the oldest "I have a whole new respect for you Dick"

"Is acting like Grayson proving to be too much of a challenge for you Todd?" Damian questioned, a hint of amusement in his tone

"Is acting like Tim too much for you demon brat? After all in your eyes, Tim is a pretender to you, yet your rival at the same" Jason countered, not answering the question... however it was easy to see that while he may not show it, acting like Dick was having an effect on him

"Alright that's enough both of you. Today's our last day for this whole prank and I want to at least end it without any actual fights between any of us" Dick stated boldly with both Jason and Damian looking away from one another

"How are we gonna do this? I know you said to film this whole thing live and catch Bruce's reaction, but for all we know this could risk our identities" I said with arms crossed as Dick turned towards me with a smile on his face... oh boy

"I'm so glad you asked Timmy. However you should have a little faith in me. After I told you my idea for that, I thought exactly what you just said. I almost planned on scrapping the whole thing... until I realized how there was a way to do this with the risk of identities being exposed"

At this Jason, Damian and me all turn to look at one another with similar expressions on our face. Is it too late to back out of this idea?

Night Time, Patrol (Still Tim's P.O.V)
Of all the ways Dick could have thought this plan would work, I did not expect it to be during patrol that his idea would be executed... however to be fair, I really should have expected this since it's the only actual time we can be sure Bruce wouldn't dare say our real names after all

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