Prologue: The Adventure Begins! A Journey Starts With a Turn of a Page!

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Our adventure with the Straw Hats began like most adventures for them, abroad the Thousand Sunny on the high seas filled with adventure, riches, and excitement...

Luffy: Ugh.... I'm bored!!!

The groan came from the ship's captain, Monkey D. Luffy, who seems to be less than enthusiastic than normal. Beside him were two other of his crewmates; Usopp, the crew's marksman and Tony Tony Chopper (Chopper for short) the ship's doctor, both of which were in the same dulled state as their captain.

Usopp: We've been at sea for weeks and there's no land in sight.

Chopper: There's nothing to do!!!

The trio gives out a depressing sigh in union, as they lean over the side to the ship. On the other side of the deck, two women were relaxing on the coffee table. The two women were Nami, the ship's navigator and Nico Robin, the crew's archeologist, looked on at the depressed trio.

Nami: Honestly, could does three have anything better to do than mope?

Robin: Well it's better for them to do something rather than nothing.

Nami: Well...I suppose....

????: Nami-san!!!! Robin-chwan!!!!

The two look up to see Sanji, the crew's chef, slide down from the stair's railing with two plates in his hands.

Sanji: I brought you both something for lunch. For Nami: A Salmon and Clam Meniere with Coconut Milk. And for Robin: Fruit Tart Sandwiches with Coffee.

Nami/Robin: Thank you, Sanji!

The scent of the food reaches our lethargic trio, snapped out of their trance; they race over the source of the scent to find food.

Luffy/Usopp/Chopper: AHHH FOOD!!!!

Just as they are about to help themselves to the food, Sanji slams the serving tray on their hands.

Luffy/Usopp/Chopper: OOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Sanji: Nice try! If you want food, there should be some leftovers in the kitchen.

Usopp: No fair! Why do the girls have first-class meals every now and then while all we get table scraps?!

Sanji: Because I say so!

???: And what gives you the right to deny someone food?

Sanji looks up to see who address him; it was Zoro, the crew's swordsman. With him was Franky, the crew's cyborg shipwright and Brook, the skeleton musician.

Zoro: ...I thought that cooks are supposed to feed their crew no matter how bad their manners are.

Franky: Yeah! I can't be SUPER cool if I'm running on empty.

Brook: I'd wither away to just bones without food...but I'm already just bones. YOHOHOHO!!!!

Sanji: All right! All right! I'll whip up something for you the meantime; you'll just have to keep busy till it's ready.

Luffy: That takes too long! I'm too bored to wait!

Nami: Well, isn't there anything on this ship that won't keep you bored?

Robin: There's the can find something to read there.

Luffy: Aww.... But that's boring too.


Nami begins tossing random objects at Luffy, causing him to run up deck to avoid the oncoming fire from Nami.

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