Chapter 10: A Happy Ending! True Love Conquers All!

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The other Straw Hats rushed over on the scene.

Chopper: Luffy, saw the huge explosion! Are you okay?

Zoro: Where's Eneru and Maleficent?

Luffy only smiled and points to the abyss below.

Luffy: Gone for good. The blast destroyed them both. Take a look.

They looked down into the abyss and see what they wanted to see. Samson approaches Phillip and Phillip pets his head.

Robin: And that's the end of Maleficent and Eneru.

Nami: I can't believe it...they're gone.

Franky: WOO...we did it! *does his trademark pose* We actually got 'em both!

Brook: It's finally over now.

Zoro: Not yet. Aurora still needs to be awakened.

Usopp: Hey, look! The thorns are disappearing!

Everyone looks and Usopp was indeed right. The forest of thorns is now starting to vanish, leaving the trail to the castle clear.

Sanji: It's like that whole fight never happened.

Nami: With Maleficent gone, her powers are fading away.

Robin: And her work becomes undone.

Luffy: Our path is clear! Come on, guys!

And with that, they immediately ran towards the castle. Meanwhile the Cloaked Man, who had been observing the previous fight from afar, walks out from the shadows as he watches the group enter the castle.

Cloaked Man: So...They actually defeated Maleficent. This just got very interesting...

When they got inside the courtyard, everyone was still asleep under the fairies' spell. But they all looked like they've been asleep for eternity. They all looked up at the tower were Aurora sleeps as the rising run starts to brighten it. The fairies and the Straw Hats then led Phillip up to the tower, and into the room where Aurora sleeps.

Then everyone was silent as Phillip slowly approaches the sleeping princess. He got to her bed and kneeled down. Then after a pause, he slowly leans down and kisses Aurora faintly on the lips. And then.... Aurora's eyes open! She looks up at Phillip, and immediately recognizes as the same peasant boy she met yesterday. She smiles up at her true love. Everyone then smiled with happiness with some tears of happiness. Zoro and Sanji cheered together like brothers (a rare sight if any). Nami and Robin hugged each other joyfully. Chopper, Usopp and Luffy jumped for joy and cheered, and Brook and Franky shed some tears of happiness. Outside the tower, and throughout the castle, everyone was now starting to wake up. All the guards, the people living in the castle, and the crowd were all awake now that the spell has been broken.

Inside the throne room, everyone else was awakening too. King Stefan yawned as he and the Queen woke up. He looks over at King Hubert and he was sleeping next to him, and Hubert wakes up too.

Stefan: Oh, ah, forgive me, Hubert, the wine...Now, you were saying?

Hubert: I was? Oh yes, well, after all, Stefan, this is the fourteenth century.

Stefan: Yes, but what were you saying a moment ago?

Hubert: Well, to come right to the point, my son Phillip says he's going to marry...

Thankfully, Hubert was interrupted by a fanfare of the trumpets, or to be more precise, by the first notes from the "Sleeping Beauty Waltz". The fairies and the Straw Hats, garbed in dresses and suits, showed up on the balcony, watching the whole thing from there.

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