Chapter 3: Sixteen Years Later... Getting ready for the Party!

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"And so for sixteen long years the whereabouts of the princess remained a mystery, while deep in the forest, in a woodcutter's cottage, the good fairies carried out their well-laid plan. Living like mortals, and with the help of the Straw Hats, they had reared the child as their own and called her Briar Rose."

As we go deep into the forest, we see a lonely cottage, sitting in the open area with trees all around. Then the window upstairs opens, and we see the beautiful Briar Rose, who happens to be Princess Aurora, humming some tune. She cleans around the window before heading back into the room.

"On this her sixteenth birthday, the Good Fairies and the Straw Hats had planned a party and something extra special for a surprise."

Back downstairs, the fairies and the crew were in the living room, looking over a book of dresses. It has been sixteen years since they raised Aurora together and gave her the name "Briar Rose" to keep her identity a secret. This is the last day before she can finally be safe from her curse that Maleficent bestowed upon. So they decided to make this day very special for her. But of course, they will have to tell her who she really was after the whole day was over. Flora turned a page in the book, and they see a dress that they really like.

Merryweather: How about this one?

Flora: This is the one I picked.

Robin: She'll look beautiful in it.

Flora: Now I thought a few changes here...

Fauna: Don't forget a pretty bow...

Flora: Yes and raise the shoulder line.

Merryweather: We'll make it blue.

Flora: Oh no, dear, pink.

Merryweather: But...

Flora: Of course, we'll need a few pleats.

Chopper: Yeah, but how are we going to get her out of the house?

Nami: Simple; you and Usopp will get her out for a while until we get things settled.

Usopp: Yeah, but what kind of excuse do we use to do it?

Nami: Don't worry Usopp, you'll think of something.

Unbeknownst to the crew and the fairies, they are unaware that Briar Rose is coming downstairs and heard them talking about something.

Briar Rose: Well, and what are all of you dears up to?

All of them were completely surprised and caught-off guard. They all face her, while trying to hide the open book of dresses from her.

Merryweather: Up to?

Fauna: Up to?

Each of the Straw Hats: Up to?

Flora: Up to? Eh, eh, eh, we, we, well, we, we...

Flora was completely tongue-tied, trying to come up with an answer. Briar Rose continues to stare at them until Usopp spoke for Flora, grabbing a nearby basket and hands it to Briar Rose.

Usopp: We actually want you to pick some berries with me and Chopper.

Flora: That's it, berries!

Briar Rose: Berries?

Fauna: Lots of berries.

Briar Rose: But I picked berries yesterday.

Flora: Oh, we need more, dear.

Usopp: You see; Sanji wants more berries for some new recipes he's trying out and Chopper needs 'em for some experimental medicine he's working on. So that's why we need more.

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