Chapter 9: Battle with the Forces of Evil! The Epic Showdown Begins!

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After a while of climbing the treacherous and deadly path up the Forbidden Mountain, they have finally arrived at Maleficent's fortress. It was a dark, gloomy, and foreboding place where no one will dare enter. Looking upon the castle, its spooky tone sent shivers down some members' spines. They quietly made their way to the drawbridge, and luckily for them it was down and the gate is open.

Luffy: The gate's open and the drawbridge is down. We can get across!

Usopp: SHHH!! Not so loud! You want somebody to hear us?

Chopper: Somebody who? I don't see any guards.

Zoro: Just because you don't see them, doesn't mean they're not around.

Flora: Come on.

Then they made their way across the drawbridge cautiously. This is a pretty dangerous mission. If Maleficent or Eneru knew they're here, the team and the fairies might go into a situation that they might have little chance to escape from. Fortunately, Franky thought ahead and brought three of the Soldier Dock vehicles, in the advent of a quick get-a-way. As they continue to make their way towards the castle, they suddenly spot a guard up ahead coming towards them. But luckily, the guard has not seen them yet.

Usopp: EEH! Back to the other end!

Nami: No time! Mirage Tempo!

Nami pulls out her Clima-Takt and swings it, causing her and the others to become invisible. The guard approaches them and soon stops dead in front of them, very close. The crew can feel the guard's breath in front of them as he looks around. The crew was nervous about what will happen if the guard continues forward, just bumping into some invisible figures. But the guard turns and walks back the other way. They wait for him to be gone before Nami swung her Clima-Takt again, making them visible again.

Sanji: So now what?

Robin: We need to think of another way to get inside.

Flora: I could shrink us so that way, we might pass the guards unnoticed.

Usopp: Yeah, and do think you can make us fly, that way we can move around quicker.

Flora: Of course, dear. But it will only be temporary.

With a whirl of her wand, Flora shrinks everyone down to size and gave them the ability to fly, temporary of course.

Then they entered through the crack on the wall. Once they made it inside, they start moving. But they ran into a guard sharpening his weapon. They gasped and immediately backed away. But when they turned the other way, they ran into another guard, who was snoring loudly. Then they took off in the air, only to run into a scary-looking gargoyle. They took off and ran into another gargoyle, then another, and another, and another again until finally, they found a spot to rest.

Usopp: Sheesh! There are so many gargoyles here!

Nami: What's Maleficent trying to scare away? Ghosts?

Franky: I'll say this much, she really has some super weird taste in architecture.

Chopper: Hey, I see something over there.

They flew over to a nearby large window where Chopper saw the mysterious light. They land and they take a look. From what they are seeing, Maleficent's minions and Eneru's Enforcers are dancing around a burning bonfire in some sort of celebration. They are dancing wildly and madly as they laugh continuously. The sight of it made Luffy's blood boil in fury.

Brook: I think they're celebrating.

Zoro/Sanji: You think?

Luffy: Those jerks, I'll give something to celebrate!

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