Chapter 7: Sunset Hour! The Temptation of the Spinning Wheel!

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Sometime later, on the outskirts of the wilderness, the Straw Hat Pirates (now back in their original clothing) and the three fairies were now taking Briar Rose back to King Stefan's castle. Even though the day is almost over, Rose still hasn't gotten over her feelings for the peasant boy, who we now know is actually Prince Phillip. As they were close in leaving the woods, Zoro had a cautious and suspicious look on his face.

Usopp: What wrong, Zoro? You got that look on your face since we left the cottage.

Zoro: I got this weird feeling and for once it isn't Sanji's or Fauna's cooking.

Sanji: I heard that, mosshead!

Zoro: I'm just saying; maybe we should wait until after sunset to go to the castle.

Nami: But Flora was the one who said we can't take any chances.

Usopp: Don't worry, Zoro. All we have to do is to bring her back to her parents, then celebrate, and then we can all go home. What can go wrong?

Zoro: Plenty! And that's what I'm afraid of...

In no time at all, they crossed the border of the forest and arrived close to the castle. Minutes later, they arrived on castle grounds and entered through the back door. They walked up a spiraling staircase and entered a hallway. Then they get inside unnoticed into one of the rooms.

Flora: *to Aurora* All right, in here, dear.

Flora leads Aurora into the room. Merryweather then closes the door behind the others and let out a big sigh.

Flora: Lock the door, Merryweather! Fauna, pull the drapes!

Fauna and Merryweather did as they were told. Then Flora brings Aurora over to a chair to the dresser.

Flora: And now, dear, if you'll just sit here. This one last gift, dear child for thee, the symbol of thy royalty.

Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather used their magic to form a beautiful golden crown. Flora gently puts it on Aurora's head.

Flora: A crown to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right, and royal duty.

But then, Aurora once again breaks down into tears as she lies her head down on the table.

Fauna: Now dear...

Fauna was about to comfort her, but Flora stops her.

Flora: Come, let her have a few moments alone.

They start to leave the room, all except for Luffy who stayed behind.

Zoro: Luffy, you coming?

Luffy: You guys go ahead. I'll be out there in a minute.

After they leave and close the door, Luffy turns to the crying princess and approaches her. This was probably the first time Luffy was in a situation such as this. So, being a man who says what he thinks, Luffy tries to say something to comfort her.

Luffy: Rose?

But she said nothing. She just continues crying. Luffy sighs deeply.

Luffy: Sorry your birthday wasn't as great as we thought it would. I know you're still sore at us about not seeing that guy you met...and for lying about you being a princess. Can't say I blame ya. But it's not like we did it to be mean, we all swore not to tell you about it until today? We never meant to hurt you. You know that, right?

He pauses for moment for Aurora to answer back. But she continues to cry.

Luffy: Listen...the truth is...we CARE about you a lot. For the last sixteen years, we raise you since the day you were born. You were like a part of our crew...a part of our family. And if anything were to happen to you, I...we would go the ends of the earth to set things right. Not many people would do that for anyone. Because're my friend! And that's the best present I could give to anyone.

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