Chapter 1- David

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"You're taking a bow and arrow?" Lena asked from the window. She stares into her transparent reflection and brushed her brown locks.

"Well there are pirates," David replied as if this was common knowledge. "Would you want your brother to die a gory death at sea?"

"Do you want an honest answer to that?" She laughed.

"Ahhh, probably not. It would be redundant to know that information."

"You're my little brother, you're not supposed to be smarter than me."

David replied with a small shrug and loaded his quiver and slung his bow over his shoulder.

"Aren't ya gonna need a net?" Lena asked, glancing at David.

"I've been feeding us for months, don't judge my technique."

"Oh and David!" Lena called as her brother went to leave. "Dont forget to wash up before dinner tonight. Mayor Gelling's daughter wouldn't want a groom that smells of mackerel."

David groaned and left. As he walked down the beaten down path to the docks, he admired the beautiful summer weather.

At the docks, he was greeted with the mesmerizing scent of the sea. The clear sky and turquoise sea embracing each other at the horizon.

As he walked down the docks, he noticed the absence of fish smell. When David reached the spot where his little blue boat was tethered, he noticed the abundance of ships docked.

"David! There you are!" Exclaimed a gruff voice from behind him. John Green, David's best customer clapped him on the back. "We thought you were still out there!"

"Why would you think that? My boat is still tethered."

"Oh, right." John said, now noticing the little boat. "Anyways, there's a strange mist out by the fishing grounds. We reckon there are sirens out there."

David raised an eyebrow and started out at the sea. The weather was impeccable and he doubted that any strange phenomenons had occurred.

"That's an old fisherman's tale." David chided. "I'll take my chances, considering the fact that fishing is my primary source of income."

"Suit your self. Take this with you then." John handed David a dagger in a leather sheath. "It's bronze. Sirens don't dare approach it."

"Thank you," David said, although taken aback. Did John believe in old stories more than logic? "Well I'll be on my way."

John nodded and left, as David lowered himself into his boat. As he untied his boat and began to row out to the fishing grounds, he thought of the old fisherman tale.

The Sirens were beautiful women from indigenous from the Caribbean sea. The Sirens were said to have beautiful glistening fish tails from the waist to their feet that ended in a flipper. From the waist up, they were women who could sing mesmerizing songs to lure seamen to their deaths. It was said that if you survived to hear the whole song, you would learn of your deepest desires.

"Sirens" David muttered as he neared the fishing grounds. The sea a deep shade of blue, and the sky as clear as before. "Yeah right."

David took out a fishing net from below the little one person bench and tied it to its designated spot. As he cast it out to sea a hazy mist began to roll in as a beautiful voice filled the air.

The voice of a women sung a beautiful note and apparently went down a scale, as if she was tuning. And then another voice, joined in and sang with her. And then, a third.

Three beautiful female voices, sang in harmony as the mist surrounded him and grew thicker.
Leave. He told himself. Hastily, he began to draw the net in and had the oars in place, when the song began.
Come near. Come dear. Come seek the truth. Come seek what your heart desires, come seek the truth.
Come near. Come dear, listen to our song. Listen to the song of the sea, listen to us please.
Come near. Come dear. Come seek the truth. Come seek what your heat desires, come seek the truth.

The beautiful yet eerie song filled David's mind and addled his brain. Every fiber of his being shouted for him to row away, but he rowed towards the beautiful song. As the song grew louder, he became more entranced in the music.

The only sense that truly worked was his hearing and sight. And he was even more captivated by the sight.

Three beautiful women sat upon a rock surrounded by the mist. The most beautiful one was in the center with beautiful dark locks and tan skin. Her beautiful tail was a glistening shade of turquoise, much like the sea he loved so.

And then he noticed the large sharp rock that arose from the sea. And he couldn't stop rowing. And then everything stopped.

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