Chapter 4 - Artemis

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Artemis entered the dining room and sat down alone at the beautifully polished drift wood table. Alone to her thoughts, she thought about work.

Her archers were doing well, and would soon be ready to join her in a hunt.

"Maybe we can hunt that mortal," she mused quietly, thinking about how much fun it would be to send an arrow through his earlobe.

"There you are," Edith chimed. She swam into the room and sat down next to her. Her hair was had adorned with pearls, and she wore a shimmering eyeshadow that reminded Artemis of the surface at dawn.

Artemis cocked an eyebrow at Edith , waiting for an explanation. "It's not for David," she said quickly.


"The mortal who crashed. His name is David."

"Ahhhh, I see. It's good that it's not for him; I'm thinking about sending the guppies after him for their first hunt."

"I forbid it." Edith said with authority.

Artemis gave a light echoey laugh that filled the dining room. "Youre right! He'd be too easy for my hunters! Maybe we can hunt down a Kraken?"

Edith rolled her eyes, just as David butterfly stroked into the room. Immediately, Edith stood up and pulled out the chair next to her.

"Thanks," he said taking the seat, just as the staff emerged laden with plates. "So like you're really a princess?"

Edith gave a small nod, and served herself a plate of  of shrimp gumbo.

"Isn't that cannibalism?" David asked. He was chewing seaweed and tuna.

Artemis lowered her fork, which she had speared a sliver of mackerel. "How is it cannibalism?"

"Well you're fish, so eating fish is cannibalism."

"Excuse me? Did you say I was a fish?" Artemis asked in disbelief.

"He meant nothing of it!" Edith interjected.  Although Artemis wasn't listening.

"I am a mermaid from the Mediterranean! I am above you puny mortals and legacies for my father is a god, and I am graced with the blessing of the goddess of the Hunt herself!" Artemis shouted indignantly.

"Puny mortal?" David asked. "Legacy? Speak english!"

"Di immortales!" Artemis exclaimed. "I am not a fish! I am a mermaid! I am a daughter of the god Poseidon, and I am blessed by the original Artemis! And you, you dare refer to me as a fish?"

"Artemis. That is enough," Edith said calmly.

Artemis looked at her friend for a long time, her face becoming the color of her tail and clam bra.

"Make him apologize," she said quietly. Her eyes filled with a rage that could start a fire underwater.

"David?" Edith asked hopefully. Edith knew only too well that Artemis would never apologize to the person who did her wrong; especially if he was a man.

"She's the one screaming," he said calmly. "So no."

Lost, Edith turned to Artemis. "Please?"

"No, if anyone apologizes it's him." She said sternly.

"I'm sorry," David said. "I'm sorry that you're a fish."

Artemis screamed in anger and ripped her silver circlet off her head and it turned into a silver dagger, adorned with a crescent moon made of pearl at it's hilt.

David didn't even have time to move. Artemis threw the dagger at him and it hit directly between the lower part of his sternum. The dagger pierced his skin and David fell to the floor.

Now calm, Artemis walked to where he lay and yanked the dagger out of where it had lodged itself. It shrunk back into her circlet, and she put it back on her head.

"Oh relax Edith. I didn't hit any vital organs."

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