Survival of the Hottest

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The summer heatwave arrived, and it was literally like a furnace. I decided to bring Alexis with me since Andre had a kiddie pool that we have to pay to use with the exception of Alexis who Andre allowed her to use for free although she has to wait for Sinjin to get out. Surprisingly the entire school loves her so much that the creators of TheSlap under my supervision created a TheSlap account for her. After Beck suggested they all go to Venice Beach I think it would be a great idea even for Alexis to go to the beach.

"Mommy I think he's not moving." Alexis said seeing a motionless Sinjin in the kiddie pool. That evening I began to get everything for the beach trip especially some of Alexis beach toys for her to play in the sand, and the water. Trina invited herself to join us at the beach. While Beck and Jade were in his vehicle the rest of the us were in his airstream trailer. Alexis was hopping up and down. At first I thought she was getting too excited about the beach only for her to look at me both upset, and anxious that I realized she needed to use the bathroom really badly.

"Mommy pee pee." She said hopping badly not wanting to wet herself.

"I know sweetie we're about to park." I quickly get her and my beach stuff ready. After they parked, Cat bolted out first, and I grabbed Alexis and the beach bag that we left next heading to the restrooms unknown to us, a RV park next to the airstream trailer blocking theothers. After I got Alexis settled with her bathroom break, and washing her hands I fixed her hair a bit so that it wouldn't cover her eyes.

"You're ready to have fun?"


I smile as I grabbed her hand, and looked for a spot at the beach.

"Where did Kitty go?" She asked me as we looked for her and the spot.

"Guess we lost Cat." I said as we found a spot, and I put the towel down, and put sunblock on me, and Alexis til she grabbed her bucket.

"Hang on Alexis you need to get some sunblock so that you won't get sunburn." After I finished I grabbed her hand and we walked on the shore feeling the water come in that she found a seashell.

"What's this mommy?"

"That's a seashell."


"They said that if you put it close to your ear you could hear the ocean." I said as she did.

"Wow." Alexis said, hearing the ocean.

"I hear it mommy. Can we get more seashells?"

"Of course sweetie." We both continue to get more seashells in her bucket as we head back to our spot counting the seashells Alexis collected. We decided to head back wondering what happened to the others as we saw Cat again who told us that she was hanging out with some guys for hours, and the minute Cat opened the door everyone got out completely sweating, especially Jade who saids she never sweat.

"What happened to you guys?"

"We were stuck in the trailer because of another rv."

"What other rv?"

"Must have left without us knowing."

"Auntie looks like a sweaty tomato." Alexis said insulting Trina again that I could just laugh it off.

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