Victorious Forever (part 1): Bon Voyage Vega

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Trina's POV

I couldn't believe it. Tori and Alexis are moving to Europe, and they're leaving tomorrow. I needed to speak to the gang, and Sikowitz about this.

"Hey, has anyone seen Tori?"


"Me neither."

"Haven't seen her nor Alexis."

I then entered Sikowitz's class.

"Ahh Trina you know that this isn't your class or grade."

"I know, but I have to tell you why Tori isn't here at least for now."

"Then tell us the reason why Tori is going to be late."

"Tori and Alexis are leaving."


"Tori is dropping out of Hollywood Arts High?"

"No Tori got a email to attend Juliette Greco École pour les étoiles, and she accepted the offer."

"So that means?"

"Tori and Alexis are moving to Europe."

"It's not going to be the same without her."

"We should have a goodbye party for Tori, and Alexis at the Asphalt Cafe tonight."

"Why can't we do that next week?"

"Because they're leaving tomorrow."

So we all began to plan out their goodbye party while Jade nearly snapped at us for getting the Asphalt Cafe that she was going to perform at till Beck told her that both Tori and Alexis are moving to Europe. She was shocked to hear that. We all continued to plan, and got everything ready for tonight.

Tori's POV

After we finished packing our things in our luggage's,, and some of our entertainment things in our backpacks we arrived at school after it ended since it was  night as I began to empty out my locker, and turned off the Make it Shine lights on my locker one last time.

"Guess we should walk around the school to say goodbye to Hollywood Arts High." I told Alexis as she grabbed my hand that we began to walk around the school starting with Sikowitz's class. Then the Blackbox theater, the Janitor's closet, and lastly we headed to the Asphalt Cafe.

"It feels so quiet, and empty without anyone here."

We got to the Asphalt Cafe it was dark and empty or so we thought as everyone was in hiding that we almost left to go home to get ready for our flight to Europe til Andre in hiding gave the signal for Sinjin to turn on all the lights confusing the both of us as everyone jumped out of their hiding places.


"Whoa what's going on?"

I couldn't believe it mom, dad, Trina, Jade, Beck, Cat, Robbie, Rex, all of the students, teachers, Sikowitz, Helen, Lane, Alexis's classmates, her kindergarten teacher, and preschool teacher even our former principal Eikner, and his wife came as well.

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