Who Did It To Trina

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Well I got to direct a play however things went horribly wrong as Trina's harness was cut, and she got injured that we have to go to Lane's office to suspect who would injured Trina. We all tell our stories, but no one didn't hurt Trina, but I noticed that Alexis keeps looking at Rex during the whole thing. The boogers on my doll's hat which I thought was Trina turned out that Alexis sneeze on it because she couldn't find a tissue in time, and Trina cover up the sneezing so that I wouldn't be mad at Alexis. But I still wonder why Alexis was looking at Rex.

Alexis's POV

While I have some problems with Auntie Trina I would never hit her like that, but I know who did it. At night as mommy was tucking me into bed I decided to tell her.

"Mommy, I knew who hurt Auntie Trina."

"Who was it sweetie?"

I told mommy who it was, and why the person did it.

"I think I got a idea."

Mommy took out her pear phone, and switched to my account, and gave me it to text the suspect.

At Robbie's house before they go to bed Rex was acknowledging himself while using Robbie to hurt Trina after she hit Rex that Robbie got my text, and read it out loud for Rex to hear.

"I know it was you Rexy."

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