Chapter 2: Francis- do you remember?

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I was finally here. I could smell it in the air. We were parked right in front of the pathway to the castle door. My door opened and I stepped out. I could see from afar people walking towards us then stopping. I was able to make out words being announced,

"Cathrine- Medeci-"

"Gosh look over there-" Kenna said pointing to afar.

I could see in the distance 2 figures coming forward. They stood right before us. I could tell right away the tall beautiful dark haired woman before me was my best friend Mary.

"Mary!" I shout running into her arm hugging her tightly.

"It's been so long my friend." She replied softly.

I saw tears in her eyes and could feel them in mine as well.

"It is my pleasure to greet you, your majesty."
I turn to see a tall man with golden curls and a bright smile across his face bow before me. He was rather handsome and had a lean figure. It had to be Francis.

"Francis." I say taking a slight curtsy.

"So you remember, it's great to see you again. You look more beautiful than ever." He says.

"Thank you, and please just Cara like when we were children." I say beginning to walk with them to the castle.

We had made it to the castle when the King and Lady Diane were already gone. Only Cathrine stood before me. She wore a smug look on her face like always. I remember when I was a child. She taught me how to find out things and sneak around the castle. I was almost like her little spy.

She started to walked towards me with open arms. She embraced her arms around me tossing her hands in the air.

"My my... how I've missed you dear. Cara you have grown so tall. And look at this face of yours. Surely you are engaged by now?" She asked fixing her crown.

"Unfortunately no. And I could really use an alliance considering the troubles in my country."

"My yes. I've completely forgotten. I'm so sorry about the inconvenience. But I promise you you'll be safe here at court. And I will make it my mission to find you a suitor." She said with a large grin on her face.

"Alright Mother, let me make our guest comfortable." Francis says budging in.

"Well alright, I'll see you around dear. Oh and do be careful when taking baths. There's been a problems with rats." Cathrine said he grin fading. She walked over to Mary and grabbed her arm pulling her with her. Kenna followed behind Mary. Then they walked away into the throne room.

"Here, follow me. I'll show you to your chambers." Francis says reaching his arm out.

I linked mine around his and we made our way around the castle. It was just like I remembered it. It was much bigger on the inside than the outside. The walls were covered with some sort of tapestry. Most likely Diane's.
She always had an eye for designing the castle. When I was younger here at court, she taught me how to do my makeup. She showed me the finest dresses and jewels. She practically spoiled me. It was good having two mothers here at court; and not some crazing lunatic mother at home trying to kill me. Francis was the same. Charming and sweet. Although I heard from Mary's letter he was rude at first to her and was with another woman! Either way they seem to be closer now. I missed seeing Francis. He was a good friend and we shared many secrets. I wonder if he remembers.

We finally made our way to a big door. Francis opened it. There it was. My old chambers from when I was a child. Well technically mine and Mary's. We would share a room together to spend more time together. Now it was just mine.

"My old chambers!" I exclaimed running my hand along the tapestry hung by the window.

"I see you have a strong memory. That's good, you'll need it." Francis said joining me by the window.

"How have you been Francis, I haven't seen you in ages." I asked.

"Things have been crazy. Especially with the alliance with Mary and it breaking. My fathers been acting crazy and Mother has been counting down days of your arrival. It's like your her favorite child." He said letting out a chuckle.

"Wait.. what do you mean your alliance with Mary is broken off?" I asked. How could it break considering they have been engaged since 6.

"Well we never did have a connection. To be honest I wasn't ready to marry her. She seemed more interested in my brother anyways." He started.

"But nothing could happen between Mary and Bash. He's just a bastard not a future King?"

"Actually.." he started. "After much negotiation; Father let go of the engagement and Mary was able to get the Vatican to agree to legitimize Bash as the new King of Scotland. There will be consequences in the future of course though." He said.

"Bash? The King of Scotland. Well that's amazing!"

"Yes it is. I'm glad my brother is happy and that Mary is too. Mary is a good friend and deserves the best." Francis said making his way to the door.

"When is the wedding?" I asked following him.

"It's in 2 weeks. They will be holding it here at French court. The coronation will take place in 3 months in Scotland however." He said.

"Good, I'll make sure to be there then." I say.

"Yes, well I must return to my official business. It's getting late. If you need anything call for the guards. I will see you tomorrow in the throne room. Good night Cara." He said. He walked out the door shutting it behind me.

There I stood; door to my face. Wondering, how lucky Mary and Bash must be for all to work out for them. While I still need fo find a suitor and fast. My country will fall if I don't.

I started walking to my bed. I got into my night gown and brushed my hair back. I got myself tucked into my bed and blew out the candle next to me. Whatever the trouble I have, I'll fix them tomorrow. For I need a good nights sleep if I want to face the King tomorrow.

That's it for now. So Cathrine seems to be very interested in you. What is it that she loves so dearly about you.

Mary and Bash are endgame.

Who will Francis marry now? Perhaps a Spanish Queen... or maybe a noble woman Olivia.

Keep reading to find out! <3

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