Chapter 8: The Broken Kiss

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Caroline's POV:

"Kenna that scarf looks awful. Here try this one." I said handing her the red scarf I found at the market. There were so many markets set up for the evening. Kenna and I grabbed some coffee and found ourselves shopping for some things.

"I look like a Queen." She said spinning around in her scarf.

"We'll take that one." I said handing 3 golden coins to the lady selling the scarfs.

Someone came running in the distance towards me. It was Francis, he was holding some sort of paper.

"Cara! It's done. 6 companies sent to Spain. They are leaving right now." He said handing me the paper. It was true. Francis did it he saved my country. I could help to hide my excitement. I hugged Francis thanking him nonstop.

"It wasn't to much of a big deal. But now your country will be saved." He said smiling down on me.

"I must go tell my friends, we need to talk later though!" I said running off and thanking him again.

6 hours later: Also the next day

I haven't slept since I was told the good news. I was awake when I saw Bash leading the the troops away into the afar. If everything goes as plan I'll be back at Spanish court. Away from France... away from my friends... Francis...

"Have you gotten any sleep yet?" Francis said coming beside me.

"I've been to anxious to sleep, as soon as I hear back need I'll go to bed." I replied.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. Here let's get you some rest." He said leading me back to my chambers. I slept for the next couple hours till I was awaken by the castle bells. Had bash and the companies come back already? I got back into my dress and ran into the hallways. I made my way down the hallways to see Francis in the throne room.

"Francis what is it?" I asked coming up to him. He turned his face. His eyes were red with tears and his face was white.

"There was an ambush... the men for your companies are dead. Bash barley made it out alive.... They don't think he's gonna life." He chocked.

"Oh Francis.." I say before I was interrupted.

"Cara, Francis... may this be a lesson. Sometimes saving other people isn't worth the risk. You can't let your feeling get in the way of your action. If Bash doesn't survive... we will lose all treaties with Scotland. Your engagement on the other hand... Cathrine had decided I should let you chose, so decide soon whether it will continue. Because if not, you need to return to Spain to help your mother." Henry says.
He called for Francis and the walked away. I found Mary in the hallways. She was quietly crying.

"Oh Mary.." I said hugging her tightly. She hugged my even tighter back.

"I don't know what to do.." she said.

"It's okay. Everything will be okay, you'll get through this." I said brushing the tears of her face.

2 Hours later:

"Care I heard what happened, I'm so sorry about your men." Louis said coming behind me. I was in court playing ball with Charles.

"It's alright. I'm more worried about Bash. I spoke with the nurses they said he would live through the night but his wounds need to be treated properly." I said passing the ball back to Charles. Cathrine came outside and motioned her hands towards me telling me she's taking Charles inside with her.

"I could help. I have men who could be stationed outside your castle immediately. All I ask in return is one thing..." he got down on one knee and pulled out a emerald ring.

"I- I don't know what to say."

"Say yes, say you'll marry me and together we could rule." He said smiling.

"Give me time, please. I still need to talk with the king about the engagement." I said anxiously.

"Of course. Think about it." He said getting back to his feet.

A few minutes later I noticed Francis outside in the court yard.

"Francis!" I yelled walked a few feet away from him.

"I'm so sorry. I failed everyone, you. Bash almost died. Your country is at stake, I'm so sorry."

"You did what you though was best. You could have never prevented the attack."


"Francis talk to me!"

He turned around and walked right towards me pressing his lips down on mine. He held my face with his hands. I embraced mine around his back. For the first time I wanted to stay at court. I wanted to be here, be with Francis. Rule with Francis. I wanted him.

He backed away and looked directly at me.

"You should marry Louis." He said.

"How did—"

"It's all you can hear in the castle. Marry him save your country." He said.

"But Francis-"

"Can you tell me I'm wrong!"

I stayed silent. He wasn't wrong. My country needed Louis backing. He began to walk away back to the castle.

"Francis!" I yelled after him. He ignored me and kept walking.

I stood there. All alone.

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