Chapter 3: New Alliance?

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I had woken up to some maids cleaning my room. They helped me up giving me a bath. I paid extra attention to see if there were any rats. I was all bathed and cleaning. My hair was put up.

(This hair do above and the dress down below)

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(This hair do above and the dress down below)

I made my way down to the throne room where I saw King Henry and Cathrine seated on their thrones

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I made my way down to the throne room where I saw King Henry and Cathrine seated on their thrones. Francis stood beside Henry with a panicked look on his face. Mary was holding Bashs arm and they were beside Diane. I walked closer to the thrones and took a bow.

"Your majesties..." I said taking a long bow.

"Caroline Queen of Spain, welcome to French court. I presume you've already had a proper greeting?" King Henry says.

I nodded my head. Look over at Cathrine she held the largest grin I had ever seen. Her face was practically beaming.

"We are very sorry about the disaster at your court. You are welcomed here at any time. But I'm afraid there has been a new commission ordered that must be taken care of right away before and festivities." Henry says sitting up in his seat.

I looked over at Francis who's face was so white he looked like he was about to puke.

"What ever does that mean?" I asked.

"It means.." Cathrine interrupted. "You will be marrying my son, Francis." She said.

Francis darted his eyes at his mothers immediately. He looked so faint. Was he embarrassed or is it because he didn't want to marry me like with Mary.

"I don't understand? I haven't agreed to such thing-" I started.

"You are not of age. Your opinion doesn't matter in this case. I spoke with your mother. It's been settled. You Queen or Spain will be marrying the future King of France." He said.

"I will not!" I protested.

"And I especially will not be told what to do by you." I continued.

"Yes Caroline you will. For if you don't I will not send any troops to Spain and I most certainly will not have you stay here at my court. I will send you back to your mother and have you teared apart by those rebels instead!" He yelled standing up.

Francis quickly ran in-front of his father. Blocking him from walking towards me. I knew Henry had a short temper but he really should calm down.

"Father please calm down. This is all unsettling news to her please be patient." He said sitting his father down and walking back to the spot he stood. He shot me a stare. I knew he wanted me to keep quiet and not cause more trouble.

"France and Spain need this alliance it's the only way for our country to be at peace with each other!" Henry growled.

"I certainly will not be bullied by the likes of you!" I started. "I will stay here at court with an engagement to Francis for now. But until troops are sent to my country I will not continue the engagement." I demanded.

Henry looked over to Cathrine who had an uneasy look on her face. She was no longer beaming or grinning.

"Only then will I agree to negotiate about this engagement." I said.

"Ugh- fine!" Henry agreed. "But I will be the one doing the talking. Your dismissed!" He yelled.

People began to leave the room. I noticed Mary with a worried look on her face. I knew she felt sympathy for me. I wanted to talk to her but she was dragged away with the crowd. That's when I saw Cathrine try to slip out of the room. I stopped her dead in her tracks before she could leave.

"This was all your doing isn't it!" I yelled pointing a finger.

"I haven't got the clue of what you mean.." she said smiling.

"Cathrine.." I started.

"Okay, I may have had some part." She began. I opened my mouth to yell before she cut me off.

"But it's a good thing. Peace between our countries at last! You will get a charming handsome king at your side and you'll reign forever." She said holding my arms.

"I don't care if he's handsome or not. I'm not marrying Francis. I can't-" I pulled me arms away from her and began walking into the hallways. Before I could make it to the stairs someone grabbed my arm.

"Please hear me out, we must talk." It was Francis. His eyes were uneasy and he looked upset.

"Okay, what do you have to say." I sighed.

He pulled my arms and led me by the windows of the hallway away from people.

"You need to know this wasn't my idea. But ever since Mary broke the engagement it's made France look weak and I need a wife." He said.

"I didn't ask for it to be you. I know you don't want to marry me but it's finalized. This morning I walked into my father with his advisors. Apparently your mother and my parents have been working on this for months. The papers are signed and sealed. Once they reach the Vatican it can only be undone by them." He said hold my hands in front of me.

"So this is it- no negotiations.. we are to be wed. The Vatican will never agree to break the engagement now." I said looking down. I was going to be wed to a man who probably didn't want to marry me. I didn't even know for myself yet if I wanted to marry him.

"I'm so sorry. I promise I'll try my best to help you get the Vatican's support. But if it can't be undone I'll support you as my wife and Queen." He said bring my hands to his face.

"Thank you Francis, truly. Hopefully we can get out of the mess our parents started. Thank you for being such a good friend." I said.

We linked arms and began to walk to Mary who was with Bash. I'm so glad that Francis will help me with this. Hopefully no wedding will have to happen.

That's it for now!
How are you liking the story?
Will you as Francis be able to break the engagement?
What is it that Mary has to say to you?

Keep reading to find out!

P.S Any ideas for what to happen next??

I will post tomorrow afternoon.

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