Chapter 9: Lost Girl

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It was the next morning and all I could think about was Francis. He was the perfect man I know he would be a good husband and King but he can't support me and my country. Louis can and I need that from him. Louis is kind and generous. He was okay going into this relationship knowing I was with someone else. He risked his head for me. Gosh why must it be so hard now?

I got ready for the day making myself presentable. I made my way to the throne room. I had an important announcement to make to the king. As I walked in I noticed Francis talking with Henry. I made myself known and walked right to them.

"Your majesty, If I could have a moment of your time, I request to make." I said.
I saw Francis look at me then his father.

"Of course, Father we will continue this later." He said beginning to walk.

"Francis, if I could have a moment with you later. Perhaps before noon?" I asked.
He smiled and nodded his head leaving the room. It was just me and the king now. Finally after all this time I could really give him a price of my mind!

"I really think—"

"No, I've made up my mind. No more troops sent." Henry interrupted.

"Well then no engagement is happening!" I yell.

"That's not for you to decide. I asked Francis his opinion. He didn't seem so eager to marry you either. He made his decision, said he didn't want to marry a hot tempered woman like you. Someone who couldn't obey or please him." He said.
"Now as much as I need Spain right now, I found other ways of interest. Francis doesn't want nor like  you and their is an English Queen in need of a husband.." he began.

"Elizabeth, has a nice ring to it. Francis KING of England. Suits him better I'd say." He mocks. I couldn't believe it. Francis thinks I'm a terrible person and is going to marry Elizabeth. Not only is she and enemy of mine but Mary's. He'd be betraying us both!

"Then what is it you want to talk about?" I spat.

"Your engagement to Louis.. I'm not sure it's a good idea.."

"I don't give a damn what you say." I said.
He laughed.

"Of course you don't, which is why I've agreed to allow the engagement. You'll be able to stay at French court still, but once wed you must leave."

"Why must I stay till I'm wed?" I asked.

"Your mother thinks your still marrying Francis. If she finds out you're not. I could get into some serious trouble." He says.

"Of course anything to help you." I said and walked out the room.


I saw Francis taking to some nobles men. He noticed me and caught my eye. He excused himself and began walked towards me.

"Cara what-"

He didn't get to Finnish his sentence before my hand came flying to his face in direct contact. I slapped him, and it felt good. He pushed back in confusion touching his face.

"How dare you say those things about me!" I said.


"Honestly, I thought you were a good person; a friend! But no you had to humiliate me.. gosh I honestly don't understand?"

"I didn't mean to humiliate you. It's the only way I could get you out of the engagement. He wanted to know what I thought."

"So you think I'm a hot tempered woman who doesn't know my place?" I said looking up at him.

"No.. he said pushing me towards the wall away from everyone else. "I think your the most beautiful and bravest woman I know. Someone who stood up to my father, a Queen." He then planted his lips onto mine. Kissing me on my lips and making his way to my neck. Slowly switching his position each second. I could feel his breath on me, his lips were soft and gentle. Someone started walking towards us. We both jumped away from each other.

"Queen Cathrine would like you to see, my Lord." A servant announced.
I turned my face and saw Francis looking right at me.
"Of course, I'm right behind you."
The servant nodded and began to walk away. Francis turned around and quickly kissed me one last time; before staring deeply into my eyes.

"Meet me in the wine cellar right after dinner, please?" He said. I nodded my head. He smiled and let go of my hands catching up with the servant.

This was it. I am marrying Prince Louis of Condé and seeing Francis at the same time. It's treason. I could get in serious trouble. But I didn't care. But what would Louis think?? Gosh I hadn't thought about that. He thinks we are broken apart... what will happen when he finds out we aren't...

Keep reading to find out! I'll probably be posting one more story, like I said already I'm on vacation and am trying to spend more time relaxing then on my phone! The stories are going to be short, but there will be more. If you want to see another series please suggest a show or book! I'm thinking Vampire Diaries or Teen Wolf, let me know what you think!!

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