Chapter 10: Proposal

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"Care are you listening?"
I zone back in and look up at Louis.
"Yes, sorry I'm just tired." I yawned.

"That's alright, get some sleep though. We have important documents that need our focus's on. Let's discuss them later." He said cupping my hand with his check. He looked at me, took a long gaze and then left the room. I've been spending the past weeks with Louis, walking through the garden. Chatting at dinner. Meeting with Henry and talking about future alliances. I really got to know him. He told me all about his brother and I talked about my time here at court when I was a child. He laughed at my jokes and we both spent hours together working on the wedding plans. Yet for some reason.. I wasn't to excited for this wedding.

I made my way to wine cellar under the castle. I took the hidden passageways. When I was a child Mary and I snuck into the tunnels constantly to avoid going to meetings. I remember we took Francis down here once. He got lost for hours! We had to get Cathrine to help find him. Eventually we found him, drawing with a rock he found on the walls. He's been afraid to to into the tunnels ever since.

"Cara, I thought you weren't going to come." Francis said.

"Sorry, I had some things to go over with Louis; it took longer than I had expected." I said. I walked over to one of shelves and picked up a wine glass skimming the label.

"Remember when we were children. We went into the tunnels and you got lost." I laughed.

"Oh I remember... it took forever for you to find me; never again." He said. We both laughed.

"We need to talk about Louis." He said grabbing the bottle in my hand and putting it back on the shelf.

"Oh, what is there to talk about?"

"My father wants me to marry the queen of England.."

"I'm aware. He told me." I said; walking over to a bench and sitting down.
Francis signed and sat beside me. He held my hand sin his.

"I don't want too. I know she's a great enemy to you and Mary and betraying both of you would be awful. But maybe I could make peace bet—"

"You can't make peace with the one who doesn't want it. She never once though about peace. She is threatened by Mary so when I offered protection to her and Scotland she threatened me."

"That doesn't mean things cant change.."

"No Francis, they can't. You'll marry her, become King and follow her. You'll destroy both Mary and I whether you like it or not."

"What are you talking about?"

"I've seen it before. My mother the queen my father marrying her and following her footsteps. He destroyed Sweden. Just because my mother felt threatened."

"That won't happen I won't feel threatened—"

"And when you have heirs? That's when my father finally agreed you know. When I was born. I'm sorry Francis but it's the truth."

"Okay then I promise I'll do whatever it takes to stop that. I'll make up treaties anything!" He says holding my hands tighter.

"Of course you will, you always try. Thank you Francis so much." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"Of course." He said kissing the top of my head.

I spent weeks with Francis. Sneaking around the castle. Having picnics by the river side away from the castle. We even once were able to go on a carriage ride to Paris where we spent the night dancing. We spoke all about our futures.. with other people. We would skip letters to each other in the night so no one would noticed. That's when I knew.. I really liked Francis.. maybe even loved?

3 hours later:

"Louis I think these plans are perfect. All we need now is a letter from the Vatican and all works out."

"I'm having that being worked on. But now that our engagement is official, I think we should come to some terms."

"Like what?" I asked.
He walked over to me and a sly smile went across his face.

"I'm aware you are seeing Francis in your free time. In the courtyard, wine cellar, even in the middle of the halls."

"I—" how could he possibly know. "Have you been watching me?!"

"Not me, a spy. We are engaged and your little affair could end it. Have you consummated it yet? You know I must wed a virgin.."

"Oh heavens no, I wouldn't jeopardize my entire future for my country like that."

"You must stop seeing him. I can't let this hurt my country either. If you see him I will have no choice but to cancel the engagement." He said.

"And then what, be unwed forever!?" I yelled.

"No, I have an option to marry the queen of England Elizabeth." He answers.

"My enemy how dare you. You ask me not to see another knowing I was with someone else from the start now you go behind my back and conspire with my enemy!" I yell.


"No! This engagement is over. The Vatican will not hear about this ever. Prince Louis I am now ordering you to leave court." I demanded.

"Your not queen of France now are you, you don't get to demand anything. This will be your biggest mistake." He says slamming his hands in the table.

"Actually she will be the queen of France, and as Dauphin and prince I also order you to leave." "Now" Francis says storming in with guards.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"I always wondered how my brother was injured but it all makes sense. All this time he's been spending time giving Elizabeth information; almost getting my brother killed." Francis says. He points to Louis and the guards grab him.

"Take him to the dungeons!" Francis ordered.
The guards grabbed him and dragged him away. I heard him yell something from outside the door but was unable to understand him.

"I've really don't it now. I lost the only thing keeping my country together..." I said.

"You don't have too.." he says getting to one knee. "You can have everything you want. A loving husband and a fair king. Someone who puts a wife's needs before his. Someone like me... marry me Cara and become Queen of France, become my wife." He says pulling out a golden ring. The ring had a diamond engraved into the middle of it.


My eyes filled with tears and I spoke, "Yes! A thousand times yes!" He smiled and gets up. He kisses me and picks me up from my feet twirling me around. He then reached for my hand. He noticed I was still wearing the emerald ring Louis gave me.


"It's not a problem." He says taking off the ring and putting his on. He kissed me again before a guard came in requesting our services at the throne room.

We made our way to the throne room where I noticed Cathrine smiling and Henry smiling as well.

"Come my son and his fiancé." Henry says.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Francis told me about your little time together. He asked to marry you. I've already finalized everything with the Vatican, assuming you accepted?" He says looking at me raising an eyebrow.

"Yes I did." I said looking at Cathrine who looked pleased.

"Well then, your wedding will take place tomorrow night, I assume you already have a wedding plan."

"Yes I do." I said I looked and Francis, we both smiled.

This is it. I'm marrying Francis. I'm marrying someone whom I love. Yes I LOVE him!

That's it for now!! Next chapter coming soon!
Any other stories books ideas for after this series?

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