Chapter 4: Mary Queen Of Scots

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We had made our way directly in-front of Mary who was talking to Bash.

"Mary." I said reaching in for a hug.

"Cara. I'm so sorry for the Kings behavior, he was like this when I asked for the engagement to be pulled. He'll break eventually." She said pulling back from the hug.

"Im afraid that isn't possible.." I muttered under my breath.

"Cara it's so good to see you again. Last time I saw you, you were about this tall." Bash said reaching his arm out.

"Yes, I've grown much since my last stay at French Court. Congratulations by the way; on your engagement with Mary." I said.

"I'm just glad it all worked out. Oh course there is the matter of the Vatican but we will figure it out won't we." Bash said looking at Mary; who was smiling back.

"Okay now." Mary said walking to me and grabbing my arm. "It's time me and my friend catch up." She said starting to pull me away.

We made our way outside and into the courtyard. It was much greener that I thought. There were flowers everywhere and blossoms all over the trees. In Spain it is cold and most flowers are dead or wilted. The weather is a bit different there. We walked over to some big rocks by a willow tree and sat down.

"So... it's been a long time since we last laid eyes on each other." Mary said.

"Yes, although I'm glad we still kept in touch. Reading your letters were so interesting. All the adventures and stories." I said.

"Yes well life here is very fun of adventures." Mary started while picking some flowers. She began making a flower crown while we spoke.

"So you and Francis... did you guys even kiss once?" I asked. I'm very curious to what happened wrong in their relationship.

"Oh God no- he could barley stay in the same room with me, rather than marry me." She laughed.

"But you need Frances backing for Scotland. How on Earth will you be able to help your country?" I asked. If there's one thing I learned, it's that Queens don't get happiness. Yet somehow Mary did.

"Well Bash was given a title. He had so many lands and a great wealth from Diane. Becoming the King of Scotland gives our country a vision of peace and trade. It's not usual for a bastard to be a king." She said.

"Hm. Well I'm glad all turned out well for you. I am sad though. You'll be leaving and going to Scotland soon. We only just reunited." I sighed.

"We mustn't worry about that. Im here now and that's all that matters. Come now we have to go decorate our old chambers." Mary said, placing the crown of daisies on my head. She grabbed my hand and we began sprinting back to the castle.

Mary and I spent the next 2 hours decorating the rooms. She insisted on new rugs and furniture. She basically had everything taken out and filled with new things. My study got a new desk and chair. The curtains were shipped from Scotland. They were made out of fine silk which was very difficult to get. The carpets Mary got from England. She had the windows cleaning and new bedsheets. She got fresh new candles shipped from Sweden. She even brought me a whole new wardrobe with dresses that were so beautiful and modern. In Spain royalty dressed in modesty. The dresses were dull and plain. They would let anyone wear anything different or it brought back looks on the crown. The only times I wore beautiful dresses was here in France and Scotland. I had dinner with Mary and her ladies. Apparently it was normals for no French royalty to show up for dinner. They are at their own times. I got to know Mary's ladies more. Greer was awfully kind. She gave me all their jewels and necklaces. She even bought me a dress all the way from 'The New World'. I had never even heard of it.  Lola helped me sign letters to my family back in Spain. She sealed all of them. Normally it would have taken me hours but she was kind enough to help. Ailee was so sweet. She had brought me baked sweets and cider when I met her. Kenna simply gave me tips on hair as usual. I was so glad Mary's ladies were so kind. I'm going to miss seeing them.

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