Chapter 10: Bride to Be: THE END

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It was late night. I had candles all around my room lit making it possible to see around. I haven't slept for a long time. I spent most of the time writing letter back home letting my mother know once I'm married the troops will be sent. I made sure to sign each one with my signature and seal. There was a faint knock at my door. I wondered who could be here so late. I opened the door ajar and saw it was Francis.

"I don't mean to bother you but I saw light from your room, can't sleep?" He asks. I nodded my head and open the door letting him come in and closing it behind him.

"I've been writing to my family. Letting them know everything should be fine hopefully..."

"Not hopefully, it will." Francis said cupping my check.

"How did you know it was Louis who led the ambush?" I asked, walking over to my window.

"Because.." he said coming from behind me and hugging me. "I needed to know you were going to be safe with him, I maybe have dug a little into his past while at it.."


"Let me finish, I did it because i love you.." those words came out of his mouth so fluently. So gracefully as if he planned to say it all along. I turned around and looked at him. He was gazing at me. His ocean blue eyes peering into mine, as if he was searching for a response.

"I love you, Cara.." he repeats.

I plunged my mouth against his backing up for one moment, "I love you too Francis... I love you." I said kissing him again. He smiled and kissed me. His soft gentle kisses against my lips traveled to my chin and then neck. He arms traveled up and down my back and waist. The whole time I felt as if I had a lot in my stomach filled with butterflies. I didn't want to be everywhere else but with Francis. We began to move towards the bed. He laid me gently on the bed kissing me the whole time. He backs away for a moment, "tell me when to stop." He says softly.
I run my fingers through the back of his hair,

I woke up to find myself rested against Francis who was stroking my arm.
"How long have you have awake?" I asked sitting up a bit.

"Not long, I like watching you sleep. So peaceful no troubles or worries. You know this is what our life is going to be like everyday.." he said kissing the top of my head.

"We have a big day today we should really get back to planning the day—" I couldn't finish before Francis kissed me. He got on top of me and began to kiss me.

"Francis, we have to go."

"Surely they can wait a few minutes.."

"Well alright.." I say laughing and rolling on top of him and kissing him back.

4 hours later:

"Cara where in the heavens have you been! Your ceremony is starting in less than 2 hours." Cathrine says dragging me into the room that was decorated so beautifully.

"I was actually helping Kenna with the bridal dresses and flowers. Mary, Kenna, and Greer." I said picking up some fallen petals off the ground.

"Trust me the after party is going to be huge I have the finest foods shipped from all over Europe and the decorations! Oh Cara how you'll love them." She said holding my hands. I smiled and looked back at her.

"Cara your not just some girl I raised here but my daughter soon you'll have children too and you'll understand my excitement." She said.

"I think it's about soon to be thinking ab—"

"NO! What do you think your doing I said sage not moss!"  Cathrine yelled running after the servant with the vines in his hands.

"Cara! Today's the big day now isn't it." Mary said from behind me.

"Mary! I haven't seen you in so long last I heard you were in Rome?" I said.

"Yes I took behalf of Bash to speak with the Vatican since he's still healing." She said picking a fallen petal from my hair.

"He's doing better I hope?" I asked.

"Much. You should get dressed now the ceremony is starting very soon! Go get ready." She said pushing me away.

"Alright, alright! I'll see you soon." I said waving goodbye and heading to get ready.


(The song when walking down the aisle and the ceremony)

(The song when walking down the aisle and the ceremony)

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(Your dress)

The song began and Cara began to walk down the aisle.
Francis looked up gazing at her every second she became closer.
Cara smiled and she and her friends walked down the aisle.
The vows were being said and the rings out on.
"I know pronounce you Husband and Wife."
There is cheering and Cathrine looks at both of them pleased.
Henry is nowhere to be found.
Bash stands by Mary who is clapping and cheering the loudest.
The happy couple leaves the room and head to their party.
As they enter the room flower petals are being thrown down on them. Music begins and they start to dance.

(The music)

"Why let's dance husband.."

"Of course wife." He says putting his hand out.

There is dancing all around us. Francis and my head are to each other and everyone is clapping.

"I love you." Francis says kissing me.

"I love you." I say kissing him back.

This was it. I married the man whom I love. Francis King of France. My best friend. Everything has gone right to plan. My country is saved and I am happier than I could ever be.

This isn't the end.. but a new beginning......

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