Chapter 6: There Isnt Room For 2 Kings

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10 a.m in the morning:

I think I'm gonna fall asleep. For the past 3 hours I sat here with Francis listening to Henry yell. At this point I learned how to block out his voice.

"Are you listening at all Caroline?!" Henry shouted across the room.

"Honestly.. no." I said resting my chin on my arm again.

"Father can we continue this discussion later I'm sure Caroline has more important things to do that hear you yelling so early in the morning." Francis says. Finally after 3 hours he speaks up.

"Very well. You are dismissed. Only Caroline. Francis I need to speak with you. I expect you to obey what I asked?" He said. I didn't hear a single thing but nodded my head just to leave.

I've been sitting her for the past couple hours listening to my father rant about politics and the engagement issue. Honestly I don't think Cara is even listening.

"Are you even listening?!" My father shouted across the room.

"Honestly... no." Cara said bluntly.
I saw the way my father was looking at her. He was able to blow.

"Father can we continue this discussion later I'm sure Caroline has more important things to do that hear you yelling so early in the morning." I blurt out.

"Very well. You are dismissed. Only Caroline. Francis I need to speak with you. I expect you to obey what I asked? He says finally.

Cara simply nodded her head, though I'm positive she wasn't listening to a single thing. When Cara finally left I walked over to my Father.

"Do you know what makes a man a Good King?" He asked.

"A man of his word. A man who is loyal. A man of truth?" I said. Only assuming that isn't what he was going to say.

"Close, but not quite... a man who isn't a coward." He says looking straight at me.

I tilted my head in confusion. Was he referring to me as a coward? "What do you mean?" I asked.

"You want troops sent to Spain. You know that we can afford that right now. But you.. you are to afraid to admit the truth to her. That makes you a coward." He says.

I couldn't believe it. My own father calling a coward. But is he right? There is nothing France can do for Spain. Not as long as my father is king anyways.

"Father I beg of you to help Car- SPAIN the-"

"Kings do NOT beg!" He shouts. "If you want to learn a thing or two about being King; they get what they want and nobody stands in their way. Right now I will not help Spain." He says.


"NO MORE OF THIS. This is final. Bother me one more time about this-". He didn't even finish his sentence before I walked out of the room. There has to be a way I can help Cara. Her country needs help. If my country was in danger I'm sure she would help us.


Tonight is Diane's birthday. The King has ordered a celebration at night with fireworks and dancing all outside the castle. It's closing into dawn and once the sun sets is when lovely couples take a boat down the lake until sunrise. It's supposed to be romantic but honestly I see nothing romantic about being stuck in a boat above water for hours. This celebration would be the perfect night to see Louis again. We have so much to talk about but with Cathrine keeping an eye on us only times like these can we communicate. There was a knock at my door and a letter slipped under it. It had Francis' seal. I went over to my desk and opened the letter:

Please understand that tonight is a very important night. Many nobles and royals will be here. I have a feeling that you want to speak to Conde but I must inform you; my mother knows. She's had spies intercept your letters and then deliver them to not draw suspicion. I only now figured out when I bumped into one of the members of the Flying Squad. Please be careful tonight I urge you.

— Francis II

Either way I need to talk to Louis, Francis your worries will have to wait.

It's finally almost the sunset. I arrived with Kenna. We went and got drinks while I spoke with some noble men to help Kenna find suitors. I was able to sneak a few words with Louis here and there but it was much more difficult than I thought. Eventually Mary arrived from her stay at Paris. Bash remained behind. He wasn't so fond of his mother. I remember when we were younger; bash would hide from her. She always pressured him into trying to take the crown. One time it almost cost him his head. I had a few drinks with Mary until she was dragged away with Cathrine. I began to walk with Kenna until Francis bumped into us.

"Cara, Lady Kenna. How is everything?" He asked raising a glass.

"All is well." I say taking a sip of wine.

"It's more than fine. Gosh Diane must really have the king wrapped around her finger for all of this..." Kenna said twirling her hair between her fingers.

"Ladies if you'll excuse me I need to go grant a birthday wish to Diane." He said taking a small bow and heading off.

"What?" Kenna asked her face flushed.

"Nothing nothing at all..." I murmured.


"Father!" I called out; entering through the curtains on his boat. I walked into my father making out with another woman. Of course that so like him to throw a huge party for his mistress while sleeping with someone else at the same time.

"Francis.." he says in confusion.

"You said cowards make a bad king. So I won't be a coward. I'll go face Diane right now and tell her about your thing with another woman." I said.

"Surely she won't believe you, and no woman would ever defy me." He said letting out a chuckle. The smirk on my face grew.

"No... not just any woman would defy you... only a certain Scottish one? A certain Lady perhaps.." I could see the smile on his face fade so I continued to press. "Perhaps by the name of Kenna." I finally blurred out. He sat straight up and put a finger to his chin.

"Alright, what do you want?" He asked annoyed.

" 10 companies sent to Spain immediately."




"So it's settled then?"

"See I always knew my son had what it takes to be a king. Well played son." He said patting my back. I waved my hand up and a servant came. The official papers were ready to be signed. All that's needed is his signature....

That's it for now! How do you like it? Will Francis get the signature? Also do you like the different POVS?

Keep reading to find out more!!

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