Chapter 5: A Prince or a Mole?

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(This chapter will be longer that usual)

I walked through the halls making my way straight to Cathrines room. In front of her door where 2 guards. I didn't have time to bargain with them.

"Move I need to speak with Queen Cathrine." I demanded.

"Your majesty she is away right now, we can send for her..." a guard started.

"No. I'll wait for her in her study. Now move. Please." I said softer.

They both looked at each other and nodded their heads. I entered into her room and went to wait by her study. That was until something caught my eye. It was a dark paper on her bed. I could sneak and take a look at it; but if I get caught.... I fell in and snatched the paper up scanning it with my eyes. I gasped.

"What are you doing reading that?!" Cathrine rushed over to my side snatching the paper from my hands.

"HOW COULD YOU!" I yelled.

"You weren't supposed to see that; it's not what you—"

"No, it's exactly what I think. You've been conspiring with my mother all along. You've been trying to get me to come so I could wed Francis. So that France won't be in debt. Cathrine this is treason!" I began.

"It's for your own good. You need a king by your side and Francis is next in line! You need our troops!" She bargained.

"You sent spies... SPIES to attack out castle. To put my life in danger-"

"Your mother was in on it. They aren't meant to harm you. No... you sent to rebels.." I couldn't breathe the person whom I called a mother was betraying me.

"No! I never sent rebels. I sent spies yes, but only for them to scare you off. I had no part on the rebel attack. Those were angry villagers not me." She said.

"I don't care. You betrayed me. I will never trust you again. Good bye Cathrine." I said and ran out the door. I heard her call my name but I didn't care I ran.

I ended up in my chambers. This was a trick all along. I'm never getting out of this marriage and I'm never going home. Right there and then I wept. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to someone knocking on my doors.

"Come in.." I said wearily. I got up and fixed my sleeping gown. Francis entered my room.

"I don't mean to bother you this early but I think I might be able to solve the issue with sending troops." He said smiling.

"Oh- that's great. One moment let me get dressed." I said running over to my wardrobe.

"Of course. Please meet me by the gate." He said and walked out of the room.

I got dressed and put on a black dress which was covered in golden seams and jewels. I made sure to put my crown on. I didn't normally wear one but it's time people showed some respect for a Queen, here in this court. I made my way down through the servants kitchen and outside. Francis was waiting right by the door with a scroll in his hands. I made my way over to him.

"There you are, thank you for meeting with me." Francis said.

"Yes of course. You said you had a way to send troops?" I asked being inpatient.

"Yes, this scroll I have contains the signatures of King Louis IVI and Queen Martha Daviano of Italy. They agreed to send troops in secret to Spain."

"Oh my goodness- thank you!" I said running into his arms. After a few seconds he pulled back.

"Don't thank me yet. The only way they will go through with it is if you meet their nephew. They want you to be engaged to him."

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