Chapter five: Ghosts of our past

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 She was awoken the next morning by a swift boot to the pillows she had made a bed out of, she opened one eye with a frown she could see it was still mostly dark outside,

"I don't want to get up yet... can't we sleep a little more?"

The Drifter sighed gruffly and rolled her over with his boot on her shoulder,

"Toughen up kid, be grateful you got as much sleep as you did."

Callie turned back over to him and frowned, knocking his boot off of her.

"So what are we supposed to be getting up so early for anyway? Training?"

She sat and stretched, feeling her joints crack from the stiffness of sleeping on a lumpy hard set of pillows she was sure she could hear rats and possibly other horrible things scratching away at her surrounding all through the night, so she casually checked herself over, no sores, but she couldn't really expect to see anything, with her ability to heal and her ghost able to patch her armour, there was no way of telling if she had just been nibbled on while she slept.

"You're on you're own for the day kid, you can go anywhere from this point and encounter enemies that you can use for training."

He began to walk to the door as Callie stood suddenly in disbelief, still groggy she stumbled on the make shift bed and had a hard time finding her balance for a hot second there.

"You're just leaving me out here?"

The Drifter turned with a shrug, he didn't really have the time to linger around with her. There was far too much work to do, and his plate was already full enough.

"Weren't you plannin' on doing this all alone in the first place? You're the idiot that jumped off the tower and ran away."

Callie blinked and had to think for a minute, he wasn't wrong, she doubted her first night would have been even remotely this easy if he hadn't been there with her. She certainly couldn't have hunted and cooked like he had.

"I guess... When will you be back? And if I leave here how will you find me?"

The Drifter sighed, knowing if he had to explain every little thing to her about where he was going and why, he would loose half the day. This girl had far too many questions and seemed to be the type who wouldn't just settle with the simple kind of 'don't worry about it' answer...

"The same way I found you before... by tracking your ghost. And I'll be back when I'm back... go as far as you like, just try and stay outta big buildings or caves."

Callie cocked her head to the side, being immortal should come with perks like being able to go anywhere she liked, so why should she be restricted at all?


The Drifter chuckled as he was leaving, already most of the way out of the door, watching him walk away and wave so casually reminded her of her uncle when ever he would leave.

"Trust ol' Drifter... you aint equipped for that."

Callie sighed and watched him walk away, her thoughts lingered for a long moment on how her heart would break a little each time she saw uncle Locke walk away from her so easily, as if he didn't care how much she needed him. She thought about going back to sleep but her Ghost popped up and got her attention,

"You should take the weapons from the Fallen have... uhh... left... along with their ammunition."

The young girl looked over the pile of bodies and squeamishly began dividing weapons from their previous owners into piles, her ghost informing her of what ammunition worked with what weapons and what ones she wouldn't be able to operate.

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