A Storm at Sea

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Hello all, I'm back with another chapter. If you're reading this then thank you for sticking with me! I've seen all the lovely messages which have come through in the last few months and I'm very grateful for them. Its always such a pleasure to see people enjoying my story and it makes me even more determined to get back into the hot seat and write. I know I'm certainly not the only who's had struggles with motivation this last year. It's been tough so if you're struggling still, I feel you. But the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming in the garden and that makes finding inspiration a little easier. Though I won't lie, I've been sitting on this chapter for an obscene amount of time. I don't know what it is but I guess its performance anxiety and today I just told myself to get a grip and get it posted. I really wanna finish and see the end as much as you guys. Anyway, I'll stop waffling and if you've read this then I commend you :) xxx


The last time Viking longboats sailed between Norway and Briton, there had been gentle summer breezes and steady waves. This was different. Even before setting sail, Rollo could feel the call of winter; crisp on the air and billowing in the cloudy sky. They were never supposed to raid this time of year and perhaps it was tempting fate to do so. But the thrill of touching foreign land was impossible to resist. Not only for himself, or even Ragnar, but for anyone with a drop of Viking blood.

For four long days and nights they rode the waves. Stomachs somersaulting as they raised into the sky on the fury of the water before crashing down with an ear splitting shriek. Not from the men aboard but from the ship herself. Her indignation screaming into the sky for anyone who would listen. At times, Rollo thought she would split apart and his heart would tighten for one breathtaking moment before beating excitedly when she didn't.

Then there was the rain, pouring tirelessly upon them. Even the canopy they'd erected couldn't stop the endless deluge. All of them soaked to the skin but none of them looking more pitiful than Edithe. Her stomach poured into the sea within the first hour of their journey and her body curled into a little pile on the deck ever since.

It was hard to keep his distance when he found himself constantly by her side. Even now, he made his way to her, kneeling down to scrape the rain drenched hair from her face.

Had she been like this when he checked on her last? Had her lips looked so blue? Her skin so pale?

It was hard to be certain. It had been pitch dark then and even with daylight trying to push its way through the clouds he could barely tell one colour from the next.

"Edithe," he whispered, shaking her shoulder but she didn't stir and his heart tightened once more. Not for the majesty of the storm but for the frailty of his stolen bride.

"Edithe," he shook her again.

This time she grumbled, her words smothered by the storm.

"You need to get up," he said, bringing himself to his feet while Edithe remained flattened to the deck in a pool of rain and sea.

With a sigh, he leaned down and shook her shoulder for a third time, "come on, get up."

"Go away."

This time he did hear her words and anger swelled within him.

It was no secret Rollo hadn't wanted to bring her on this journey. Had he not told Ragnar? By the Gods, had he not told Edithe herself? If only she'd listened to him. If only she wasn't so intent on leaving him. She could have been wrapped in a blanket by the fire instead of here, frozen and wasting away at the whim of the sea.

With frustrated strides he walked away from her. Towards the belly of the boat where the men were heaving onwards through the storm. The stubborn part of him, the part which always blamed others for his mistakes, wanted to leave her in the cold and rain. She'd asked him to, had she not? But that was only an excuse and, when it came to Edithe, stubbornness was a fleeting emotion. He didn't need excuses to make things easier for himself, his thoughts were only for her and already he was walking back.

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