The Unknown

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Though it was still early afternoon, darkness filled the streets of Kattegat and a dry storm tormented the sky. Such peculiar weather felt like a sign from God. A sign that he was angry with her for trifling with a pagan instead of returning home.

For weeks she'd been blinded by comfort and seduced by selfish happiness. She'd almost started to think she could forgive Rollo, or at least come to terms with the hurt he'd caused. Almost believed he could be her friend. But Rollo wanted a wife and she could not, in good conscience, agree to it.

She could, however, admit he wasn't what she'd expected when he'd first brought her here. He'd surprised her time and time again and she no longer held onto any hared for him. Only disappointment. Because despite all his misdeeds, there was so much good in Rollo.

There were parts of him which made her heart skip a beat. Parts which made her laugh until she couldn't breathe. There were even parts which felt like home.

But no matter how much good she saw in him, the biggest part of Rollo would always be Viking. Even now, he was planning another raid. More people would die, more slaves snatched from their homes. She could never give herself, body and soul, to a man who plundered her homeland so brutally.

So it had been a lie when she said 'yes' to marrying him. Her conscience had to remain at least one land he could not raid without impunity. She owed at least that much to her people, to her family and to God.

Yet as she gathered food and water into a bag, she did it with a heavy heart. She'd been comfortable here, that was without a doubt. But now she must leave. Just as she had always planned.

For so long, she'd promised herself she would only stay until she had a sword of her own. But that wasn't going to happen now and the knife they used for gutting fish would have to do. She was sharpening the blade when Haedde arrived at the door, a sheepish smile on her face.

"I'm here to fit you for your dress, child."

Edithe's heart sank. She hadn't considered who else would know of Rollo's plans but of course other people knew. Everything was already arranged.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked sadly.

"It was not my place and you seemed so happy."

Edithe didn't reply. She didn't want to lie and say she hadn't been, nor would she admit it out loud.

Haedde used her silence as an opportunity to squeeze through the door and into the house where she carefully unpacked an icy blue gown.

"I don't want to try it," Edithe decided, staring forlornly at the cascade of fabric in Haedde's arms.

"But it is a beautiful dress, child and I have worked my fingers to the bone in making it," she lamented, expertly manipulating her.

"Very well," Edithe sighed and Haedde smiled, carefully resting the gown on the table before helping Edithe strip from her clothes.

The material must have cost a small fortune. Far more than she would have ever agreed to if she'd been privy to it's choosing. But within it, she felt like royalty rather than a prisoner and she knew her mother would have loved to see her wearing a dress such as this on her wedding day.

"It's beautiful work, Haedde," she praised wholeheartedly.

"Thank you, Lady," Haedde beamed, inspecting her own handiwork and pinning the dress where it needed taking in. "I never saw my daughter's wedding and I'm certain she would not have worn something as grand as this. But it has been a pleasure to make it for you and it brings me joy to see you in it now."

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