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Edithe could not lose Rollo's attention if she tried. Especially this evening when she seemed so at home. His blanket tucked around her shoulders and his favourite cup in her hands.

This was how he'd imagined married life would be, comfortable. He didn't just want a wife so he could fill her with sons and daughters, he wanted nights like these. Companionship and a beautiful face to look upon instead of always seeing an empty chair. Winters were long without anyone to share your fire and he'd spent many of them alone.

So as he watched her with warmth and longing, it did not escape his attention when her eyes trailed up to the rafters, her brow furrowing with curiosity. In an instant, he knew exactly what she was looking at and braced himself for her reaction. Yet she did nothing.

Still, blood ran like ice through his veins and he knew he needed to be more careful if he wanted to keep the smile on her lips. Already he'd stopped himself from telling her about their upcoming wedding. And if he didn't feel ready to tell her that, then he certainly wasn't ready to show her what he'd so carelessly hidden.

Seeing her father's sword now would destroy their fragile bond and he couldn't risk that, not when he felt closer to her favour than ever before. One day he would give her the sword and be happy to do so. But not today. Today he would hide it again.

He served supper, distracting her with questions about her childhood and the evening resumed as if the sword wasn't hanging precariously over their heads.

In fact, she didn't look back to it once and it grew late. Far later than they usually stayed up. He'd expected Edithe to retire to the bedroom but she remained seated, stifling her yawns and forcing her eyes to be more alert.

"I think it's time for bed," he suggested.

Her attention drifted briefly to the rafters, "I might stay up a while."

Of course she would.

How foolish of him to think something had piqued her interest and she had decided to do nothing. Just like him, she was waiting for her chance. Waiting for him to leave so she could be alone with her discovery.

"Then I will keep you company," he smiled, filling her cup once more with ale. Two could play at this game and he had far more to lose.

Usually she only ever drank one cup, half a cup even. This was her third and she looked at it wearily.

"You don't have to do that," she said, straightening herself in the chair and sipping the ale with what appeared to be renewed energy.

He wasn't going to be outpaced by a Saxon woman half his size, not in drinking, not in anything. "I cannot leave you to drink alone," he said, filling his own cup.

At this hour there was little to do but drink or fuck. So they drank. The room comfortably warm, the ale deliriously pleasant and both of them drifting from time to time in their cat and mouse game of staying awake.

They also talked. For hours. Conversation growing easier with every sip of ale and Edithe revealed more of herself to him than she'd done in all the previous weeks put together. She told him about her home, her family and even her arranged marriage.

"I did not want to be sent away," she admitted, filling her cup and frowning as the flagon ran dry. "But I would have done my duty, been bound to a-" she scrunched her face "-boy prince and I suppose I would have been no happier there than I am here..."

She paused, her gaze slowly meeting his, "with you."

Suddenly he wasn't nearly as sleepy as he'd been moments before. Now his heart pounded. His mind spun with questions.

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