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3 years before....

Year 3022

His screams brought a grin to my lips.

I hear a door open with a bang, "Jason! You have to stop!"

It was August, my supervisor.

Always ruining our fun.

You know it.

So yeah, maybe I'm slightly unstable in my mind area, but...

"JASON! KNOCK IT OFF!" August screams at me.

I giggle, roll my eyes, and pull the knife out of my subject, who was gasping for air and had tears streaming down his face.

"He probably needs medical attention." I jokingly tell August, who was pulling his ginger hair out of his skull, like some crazy person.

I set my knife on my tray of equipment then smoothly walk past flabbergasted August, "the coordinates you are looking for are 353, 67, 89. Off the top of my head, I would say that is the planet, Stroh'sus."

I look back at my subject before I leave the room. Despite all the disfiguring cuts I gave him, He looks to be about 57, three more years and he would've been up for retirement.

I smile, I should've had him say "I'm to old for this sh-t." that would've brightened my already illuminated day.

I nod my head at him, give him a Cheshire Cat smile, and wiggle my fingers, "it was nice talking to you."

Dr. Hart is standing in the hallway, ready to intercept me.

"Go take your meds Jason." he tells me.

Don't listen, your fine.

No, no I'm not.

My smile fades from my face and I nod my head to Dr. Hart, "I'll do that."

"This can't keep happening Jaz." August tells me once I'm all drugged up.

My head is in my hands, "I know, I'm sorry."

August gives me a half grin, "I think you need some time away from this. I'll arrange for a ship to bring you to Earth, where you can have a vacation."

"Earth? That boring hell-hole? Really?" I complain, though my emotions were fairly non- existent, something that I've been working on to help control myself.

NatalieWhere stories live. Discover now