Looking Back

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Do comment and such as you please. I'm here to learn! Thank you muchachos and muchachas!

Song- Prophets- A. C. Newman

An extensive collection of The Year 3025, Labeled as The Glorious Watchman Empire

In the perspective of Jason Cloud, born 3002.

Chapter 1: Looking Back

"I told myself that I would never share my life story with anyone, but, since today is an important one -I'll explain in a minute why- I decided that the smartest way to contain my emotions would be to spout it all out, just once.

"So today, you are to be the lucky soul to hear my story, and lock it in your heart, hopefully for as long as you live.

"Also, before we begin, I want to make this quite clear: If I see you outside of this room and you try to bring this topic up, I will pretend you are dead to me."

Edgar, my British- accented, old co-worker, who luckily happens to be a physiatrist, rolls his eyes at my dramatic speech, "Jason, you already ignore me much of the time anyways." Even though his face his set in a serious complexion, he is obviously amazed and excited that I'm actually opening up to someone, which never happens.

Except today. I called Edgar up out of the blue this morning and asked him to schedule me a session. He agreed to meet me once I mentioned what I wanted to talk about.

My lip twitches, but otherwise I show no emotion, "I promise you, 'much of the time' will seem like heaven to never uttering a syllable in your general direction."

Edgar's shifts his head in contemplation, "Okay, point made. Now, you were going to tell me about your childhood?"

"Right, yes," I cough a bit to clear my throat,

"Until I was 7, my name was Jamison Southward, I lived with extended family in a community farther from earth than any other human settlement has ever been.

"The planet was named Forbius, which is Latin for "doorway". No one nowadays really knows anything about Forbius, so I doubt you've even heard of it. Most importantly, It was a heavily vegetated planet that was myth'd by my ancestors to carry horrible beasts and evil wonders.

"My mother believed in those myths. I thought she was just trying to scare my brother and I into behaving, but the whole time, the whole damn time, she was warning us about our father." I growl.


I stare at him, Did he just interrupt me? Are shrinks allowed to do that?

"before we even tiptoe into that bus load of horrors, can you tell me about your mother?" Edgar asks. Yes, Edgar knew some of the story, the problems that I have when I get drunk: I tend to spout a few curses toward my hellish father.

I adjust myself in the soft plushy chair that Edgar had me sit in when I came. I quickly rub my eyes to check if I've been crying. My face is as smooth and dry as always, "Yeah, I mean sure. What about her?"

Edgar smiles reassuringly, something I'm sure he has perfected over the years. "Did you love her?"

I look at Edgar, dumfounded, "Of course I did."

"Why did you love her, Jason?"

He knows. He knows I can't and won't say that word.

I can't and won't fix my voice, which has lowered to a whisper, "How could I not? She was my mom. She was wonderful and beautiful and happy. She had this weird talent where anything and everything that she cooked tasted like different slices of heaven, and whenever I couldn't fall asleep she would make up stories about my brother and I traveling to distant planets and beating up monsters."

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