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Alright, this one has more than a monologue, if you hate those. I'm introducing 2 more character, Chess and August, ginger siblings!
Hope you like it muchachos And muchachas! -LS
Song- Forest Whitaker- Bad Books

Chapter 2: Chess

I try to calmly walk out of Edgar's workplace, my hands clenched in shaky fists and my arms strait down at my sides. I have never been this emotional in a long time.

What a bad idea, Jason, what a bad, horrible idea.

The cool wind blew into my face, helping me calm down and put myself into normal Jason mode. I could hear the everyday yelling and car horns that, even annoying as it is, helped me wipe my session with Edgar in a manner of seconds.


I look to the side to see Chess Brooks, who has her side leaning against the building, watching me with curious eyes, "What took you so long? Sorry," she says when I give her a look, "I know it's really none of business, but I thought you were going to be done at 11. It's 12:15 now."

Chess, short for Francesca, is a beautiful, smart, and fun woman. I met her at her brother's wedding a few years ago. We had some sort of "connection" and after that she is always looking after me. I've been wanting to see it as a friendly gesture, though in the back of my head I knew it was more than that to the both of us.

Of course I can't have a relationship, not now or ever, so I do try my best to press down my feelings and avoid spending time with her. Even if when I'm with her a feel like I'm an innocent toddler again,

with Chess I somehow manage to feel happy.

And, surprisingly, that's not a good thing. Happy means opening up,and I won't let that happen again.

"What are you doing here Chess?" I say as bland as I can muster.

"I wanted to see you."She pushes herself off the wall and comes closer to me, I notice she is wearing a dress, which is something she wears very rarely, it isn't revealing or anything, it's just a soft green, nice dress."Want to go get some lunch and talk? You're probably starving."

She wanted to see me? She wants to talk?

This can't be good.

I make a point in rubbing my stomach. Carefully, because if anyone could read me it would be Chess, I lie, "actually, I'm feeling kind of sick, I think I'm just gonna head home." I turn away and head to my vehicle.

"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them." Chess says.

Intrigued, I turn and look at her, "What's that?"

She shrugs, "Ernest Hemingway, I think he's my new model."

I laugh, "Yesterday, it was Marcus Aurelius." Chess has a fetish for inspiring quotes.

"I've moved on." she smiles, most likely glad I'm giving her attention, attention that she does rightly deserve.

But I snap it quickly.

I open my car door, "Do you need a ride home?" I say politely, though I'm trying to get away from her as fast as possible.

"No, I'll be fine. You just go home and get some sleep," she pushes her exceptionally ginger hair out of her face and bites her lip.

"Alright, all see you later then." I say quickly and get into my car.

Chess puts her hand on my car door before I can shut it, "Hey, Jason, I just remembered. My brother is in town and wants to talk to you. Maybe when your feeling better you can give him a call?"

What does he want this time?

I nod, "Sure thing. Where did he get the vacation time?

"Not a vacation, he's here on some sort of business," She lets go of the door.

"Ok," I pause, not sure what else to say, "bye."

Chess bites her lip again. I know she wants me to kiss her goodbye or say something sweet, but I'm just not sure thats a good idea, I never want it to be.

I fake smile at her and shut the door.

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