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Chapter 7: Mornings

"Are you sure your ok?" Chess inquires while I quickly finish packing. She was sipping out of the coffee I prepared for her, she had changed into a pair of my shorts and took one of my t-shirts while I made her that coffee.

Always in the Wrong place, at the wrong time aren't you?

"Why wouldn't I be?" I say and peck her lips.

"You weren't even on this level of happy last night." She looks at me inquisitively.

She's right.

"Your wrong, I had a wonderful time last night." I tell her.

"Even if we didn't-" Chess bites her lip.

"We didn't need to."

You should've done it.

And I should've taken my medicine. I forgot how much a pain in my ass you are.

Luckily, I didn't forget how much of a baby you are, and I still came back for you.

And I'm sooooo grateful, you jackass.

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but-

"When are you leaving?" Chess asks she pulls one of my bedroom blankets around her exposed shoulders.

I peer around Chess to look at the clock on my microwave.

It's 6:20 you drama queen.

"In about an hour. Will you be able to get home yourself?" I look back at her.

"I can get a cab."

"So could I. Hey, how about you take my car for the next few months?"

Are you seriously letting her have the one thing closest to family!?!

Chess scoffs, "are you serious?"

I smile, "Dead serious. I won't be here to use it anyway, it's yours." I grab my car keys off the counter and put it in her hands.

Please, at least tell her to be careful with it.

"Be careful with it," I tell Chess.

Thank all things holy. The idiot actually listens to me!

Shut. Up.


I swear to God I'm gonna-

Chess wraps her arms around me, "Jason! This is so sweet!"

"Well, we've known each other for awhile. I trust you." I say as she hugs me.

I don't trust her.

You don't trust anything.

Moot point, I trust the fact that she will destroy our car.

"Hey! Here's an idea! Why don't I drive you to the airport?" Chess says excitedly.


"Where are you meeting your class? At the airport?" Chess asks as she veers the car to the right.

We're gonna diieeeeee!

I grip onto the side of my seat as she straitens the car out, "No, they took an earlier flight, Edgar and I are on another one."

"Why do they need two planes?"

I shrug, "it's a really big class."


"Edgar!" Chess embraces him.

Edgar's eyes went wide and he looks at me desperately.

I nod at him to just play along.

"Hi Chess, how are you?" He asks as he timidly returns the hug.

Chess's hair seems to wrap around him as well, being that it's long and all over the place. It's ginger color seemed to be burning brighter.

Maybe that's where her energy source is.

Chess smiles at me, "Can I tell him?"

I give her a happy sigh, "you might as well."

"Jason and I are together!" She beams at Edgar and pulls her self into my arms.

For only so long.

Edgar's eyebrows fly up and he stares at me, "Really? When did this happen?"

"Last night." I say confidently, so he doesn't question it.

While Chess isn't looking at me, I mouth, I'll explain later.

He nods again, then looks at his watch, then at the flight board, then back at his watch.

"We better hurry, we have only 20 minutes before we take off." He says.

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