three. a crane

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     Searching for jobs was more complicated than what Alik imagined, every job in Ketterdam seemed illegal, dangerous or just pure misogynistic

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Searching for jobs was more complicated than what Alik imagined, every job in Ketterdam seemed illegal, dangerous or just pure misogynistic. Alik wanted something a little bit more mundane, something that would give him the feeling of doing something good for others. He looked at the same paper a few times the few written words never changed but, he kept looking at it as if he was waiting for the ink to change its words.

     "Sir?" The female voice was followed by a few knocks at the door, it was Marian, the old lady that had been kind enough to give him a room. "There's someone who's looking for you?" Alik wasn't expecting visitors, Asya was the only person he thought of, so with a smile on his face he opened the door, he could see small figure of Marian, and behind her a man, the smile on his face disappeared.

"You can leave us alone Marian, thank you." The man said at her, looking at Marian walk away, he turned his gaze back at Alik. His dark clothing made his pale skin look even more pale, the only hint of color he could notice were his blue eyes.

Alik stepped aside, letting him through, he watched his crane being the key for him to walk, he recognized that sound from a few nights ago, he was who had been following him after the attack and vanish into the darkness, Alik was a bit on edge, he had probably seen him almost killing those two men.

"I knew we had Grisha in our town, and I know what they are capable of, but not many of Grisha in Ketterdam spare lives." He stopped turning his heel to look at him. "Why did you spare his life, Alik?"

     "How did you?" Alik took a step forward, his body tensed up when he mentioned his name, no one in town knew him, unless this man had followed him from the Fold.

     "I have my ways to know, but, we will have to thank your dear friend Asya for sending letters to your room." The man pulled some of these from inside his dark coat, throwing them to Alik, he could count at least six letters. "I won't tell anyone about what you almost did Alik."

"But what do you get out of it? There has to be a reason why you came all this way, I am pretty sure you didn't just want to give me these news." Alik crossed his arms, clearing his throat he fixed his posture.

He chuckled and took another step forward, his eyes glancing back at Alik, looking up at him. "I think having a Heartrender in my team."

     "Who says I wanna be in your team, doing who knows what? I prefer looking out for my own job, I don't know your name as well, there's nothing I could trust on."

     "Brekker, that is how you will know me, my job won't be anything dangerous for you if you stick to your part." Brekker said. "I could've asked any other Grisha to do this dirty work, actually, I would've never asked a Grisha, but when I saw the capability of forgiveness, I can see you have a heart."

Alik didn't know how to take that, as a compliment probably, so he just whispered a small thanks at Brekker, he didn't know what else he had planned on saying or doing here, all he wanted was him to leave so he could return to focus on finding a job and read Asya's letters.

     "I see, don't you worry Alik, I'll find a way to have you help me, it won't be a full time job, it will be a one time job, actually I need it before midnight tonight, you do this and you're done." Brekker walked over to the door with caution, "Oh," he stopped "Your secret is safe with me Alik Petrov, I'll see you around." And then he was gone, not even closing the door.

Alik checked around outside his room, he vanished just like the nights before, it seemed as if he hide with the darkness, not even the sound of his crane was heard. A work before midnight? It was just around nine in the afternoon, maybe he could do it, but he didn't ask any directions or how to find him. But he shouldn't think of it much, he didn't need the job or wanted it.

     Sitting down, Alik opened each letter, he read that Asya was sentenced to cross the fold as she was needed in East Ravka, and how she would contact him when she's back and safe in the new world. That was the last letter and it had been written a week ago, the letter before that was Asya telling him how Grisha's were taking advantage of their power and insulting those who weren't like them. All of these letters got Alik worried, he imagined that traveling through the Fold wouldn't take days, only hours if they were careful. He continued to read the letters, trying to find any clue or information of how things were going back in his section, but, there was nothing new for him to work with.

Alik took his Kefta and rushed towards his door, only to find Brekker standing outside with someone new, another guy, different from him, he wore his smile proudly when they crossed looks.

     "You're taking this job, if you come with us a million kruge will be divided, you can go anywhere you want." Alik couldn't say no as he was pulled by the other guy, he apologized for the aggression but he had to be quick to follow the other.

"Can you at least tell me where we are going? And who your partner is?" Alik start walking on his own, every step he took was long to catch up with them.

     "My name is Jesper, hi blondie." Jesper stretched his hand out to him, a tight shake was shared between them. "And where we are going is to visit someone who will get us into the fold and get this what was it? Sun Summoner or something like that?" Brekker didn't answer at all, he just kept on walking.

     "A Sun Summoner? That can't be it? Those are just a —"

     "Myth. We want to cross the fold, get this girl, check of the story matches, and get our money." Brekker finally talked, he looked over his shoulder to see them. "We need to get there before it's too late or Inej has done something."

     Alik didn't ask any other question, he just followed along until they reached a building, Brekker ordered the pair to stay behind, wait for him until he could be back. Alik did as told, he just paced side to side waiting for Brekker to return.

"So, you're a Heartrender? Jesper asked, taking all of Alik's attention on him. "Why did you come to Ketterdam, it is the worst place for Grisha."

"I was never a war fanatic, I don't like war, I don't like hurting people, I tend to not use my abilities with anyone, sometimes I have to defend myself, but I would prefer to use punches, combat face to face." Alik said hoping that was explainable enough.

"Yeah I get that, I am more of a gun person, I don't use them to start fights or to kill innocent people, I tend to use them as protection or to protect those who need it."

Alik just nodded his head, he didn't want to ask what he was doing with those guns and the type of jobs he had, but, the feeling of something dangerous couldn't be crossed off the list. It took a few minutes until Brekker was out again with a woman and another man. The crane deep into the rocks as he walked over to the group, he took a moment of thinking before he could focus again on the group.

"I need to take a detour, Jesper you take them back to the Crow Club, I'll meet you there." He walked away, ignoring the calls from the girl, he didn't turn when she screamed Kaz at him, she then gave up and looked at Alik with confusion.

"He's new, a Heartrender, isn't it cool Inej?" Jesper smirked at the brunette, she just introduced herself at Alik. "Come on, we gotta go, so you are the one who is going to get us through the Fold huh? That's nice, insane, but nice, so, preferably get us there in one piece."

Alik didn't know what he was doing here or how he was doing to get out of it, all he knew was that money was set on the table, the huge opportunity to be free, escape this place. But first, he has to survive the Fold.

sometimes I feel like this endings don't make sense but here ya go?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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