Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 - The Makeup Incident (2) 

Zhu WenQian didn’t think a tender girl like her would take this so seriously. Her manner weakened immediately and her voice broke a little, “This… This is not such a serious matter.”

“Zhu-jie, you are a makeup artist and your cosmetics are used by many. Do you know the charges for mixing dangerous materials? This was one of the few crimes that can be sentenced without injuries were actually done.”

Truth was, Tan Ke wanted only to harm Chi Ying and arranged for her to be the last person. So that was technically not public endangerment nor could they prove that dangerous substance had been added. Chi Ying merely said that to scare Zhu WenQian so she’d tell the truth. 

The word “sentenced” did its trick. Zhu WenQian’s knees weakened and she almost lost her balance. Her teeth clattered and she said, “Tan Ke was the one who added it. I had nothing to do with it.”

“Okay. I get it now.” Chi Ying smiled and stopped the recording. 

Zhu WenQian didn’t look very well. She grabbed her purse and fled.

As she was fleeing, she left a voicemail for Tan Ke, “I’ve told you it didn’t smell right but you didn’t listen to me and insisted that Chi Ying wouldn’t be able to afford this brand of liquid foundation even in her next life. Well, she had not only used it in the past, she could even tell from the smell. There was no way you could chalk that up to just normal allergic reaction! Chi Ying had already called the cops. You figure out what you want to do about it, Miss Ke. I’ve got to run. I am here to make money, not to commit a crime! Had you told me that it was a criminal offense, I would never had agreed to it!”

As Zhu WenQian had left, Chi Ying had no makeup on. But her aura had always been fairy-like. Combining that with the costume prepared by Liao YaYun, she exuded a natural form of beauty.

Chi Ying was the last one to get up on the stage. As the line of audition was long, the students who had already performed were dozing off from the soft music sitting in the auditorium. Only the judging instructors were sitting there with their backs straight in a very professional manner. 

All the students suddenly looked up, their eyes lit, when they heard a soft, melodious female voice reciting the lines perfectly. 

On the stage not too far away, the shadows of the trees were dancing and the stars flickering. The girl, with no makeup on, her skin white like porcelain and her eyes limpid like fall waters. Her beauty was stunning and could make others breathing turned heavy. 

Even the boys from the Performing Art Department who were used to seeing pretty girls couldn't help but found their hearts beating out of their chests. Their eyes were fixated on the stage and they were unable to look away. 

This was the first time the students of Performing Art Department had seen Chi Ying act. 

They were conquered by her beauty and trapped by her performance. 


Chi Ying had already called the police before she went on stage and handed over the recording along with the testing paper as evidence. 

Tan Ke had added strong base into the liquid foundation. Her original intention was to add a little bit of it; just enough to cause redness to Chi Ying’s skin and wouldn’t be able to audition. But as she had no experience in doing so, she had added too much by mistaken. That caused the liquid foundation to be overly basic. The outcome would have been unfathomable had Chi Ying not called it out right away. 

The police came and took Tan Ke away and said they’d need to keep her in police custody. Later on, it was heard that her parents had paid a lump sum and Tan Ke was let out the very same day. 

The incident, however, had a negative effect. It was quickly submitted to the school forum anonymously.  

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