Chapter 3

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"Man, Sienna beat my ass last night." Gio shook his head. We were driving back to Atlanta. The girls were asleep so Gio was just talking. I was careful 'bout that shit, though.

"That's my cousin." I smiled and he kissed his teeth.

"You see this big ass red spot on my face? She slapped me into next year."

Ignoring Gio, I looked to Leo to see him texting someone.

"You texting ol' boy?" I tapped his shoulder and he nodded.

"He's surpringly a decent guy, not gonna cap."

"You gonna fuck wit' him?" I asked and he shrugged.

Leo was the definetly the 'whore' of the group. He was player at heart. No regards for nobody's feelings.

"I feel like it would be rude to ghost him now." He had his eyes glued to his phone.

"What? Not Mr. Hoe giving someone a chance."

"Shut up. I might still do so." He laughed.

"Man, how long do we have left?" I asked Gio and he looked at his GPS.

"About 4 more hours." He answered and I groaned. Being in this car was so crowded. I just wanted to be in my bed again.

I hated being in tight spaces. I tapped Selah a couple times before she woke up.

"Yeah?" She asked tiredly.

"Can you move over please?" I asked and she leaned on Sienna's shoulder instead. She knew how I got so she ain't even ask.

It was a long ass drive before Gio pulled up to my Moms' house.

"Selah, you gettin' out too or you going to your place?"  I asked her.

"I'm coming with you." She quickly decided.

"Aight, come on." I helped her out the car then took our suitcases out the trunk. I dapped up Gio then walked into the house.

"Mama!" I yelled out.

"She's not here so stop all that yelling." Mom told me as we walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Mom. Where she at?"

"She went to the grocery store." She hugged me back.

"Hey, Mrs. Hansen." Selah spoke politely.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Evelyn?" They hugged each other. Selah smiled small.

"I'm tired so I'll see y'all later." She walked upstairs.

"Boy, when are you gonna get with Selah?" Mom groaned.

"Man, get outta here with that." I waved her off.

"I am so serious, lil nigga."

"Stop calling me that. You named me Micaiah for a reason."

"Aht. Yo mama named you Micaiah. So you my lil nigga." She kissed my cheek and I shook my head.

"You so abusive." I rolled my eyes.

"You know I love you, boy."

Mama then came back with a bunch of grocery bags in hand.

"Oh good. Micaiah's back to help me with these groceries." She smiled.

"I'm grown. I don't gotta do that shit no more." I tried to go upstairs.

"Ha! You live in my house, boy. Get them groceries." She ordered and I did as told. I went to grab the bags and saw a pregnancy test box in one of them. Mama came back and caught me staring at it.

"Oh shit! I thought I took those." She snatched out my hand.

"Mama, you cheating?" I furrowed my eyebrows and she slapped me. Full on slap.

"What do I look like cheating?! Me and Evelyn tryna have another baby 'cause yo ass ain't enough."

My moms do not love me.

"Oh so I'm gonna have a baby brother?" A smile crept up on my face.

"We're not sure. I'm high risk so we don't know what'll happen." She shrugged. "That's why I didn't want you to know. Yo ass get so excited."

"Why doesn't Mom carry the baby this time? She's younger."

"She's 7 months younger than me. That don't make much difference."

"Same donor?" I asked and she kissed her teeth, getting agitated with me.

"Why are you all up in your parents' business? You claim you're grown, go do something grown." She shooed me away.

"Just answer that question and I'll leave." She was right, I do get too excited.

"Yes, Micaiah. The same damn donor." She rolled her eyes. I knew my sperm donor and I talk to him every once in a while.

"Yes!" I ran back in the house. I knew not say anything because they would still whoop me at my big age.

I went upstairs to check on Selah and she was knocked out on my bed. Listening to her heavy snores, I crept into the room and into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Afterwards, I laid in the bed next to Selah and pulled her closer to me. It was easier to fall asleep that way.

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