Chapter 29

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"Yo, what the fuck is going on with you and Selah?" Gio asked as we sat in the kitchen. Mom was throwing Selah and Mama a baby shower and I wasn't allowed to go near her.

"Man, I fucked up." I told them.

"There's no way you could fuck up having something with Selah. You'd never want to do that to yourself." Leo knitted his eyebrows.

I took a deep breath before I elucidated what happened. I knew there were gonna give me shit about it.

"When we found out she was pregnant, she said she wanted to keep us a secret and not tell anyone I was the father. I got upset the other night and told her that if she didn't tell y'all, I would be there for her or our babies." I rambled. Eli bursted out laughing and I smacked my lips.

"Nah, you definitely lost her for good." Eli shook his head as his laughter died down.

"I've said some fucked up things but to actually say that about your children, is just terrible." Gio chimed in.

"Fuck y'all. How am I supposed to get her back? I didn't even mean the shit I said I was just upset." I crossed my arms.

"So, you told her that you would be there for your kids because you wanted everyone to know that you were the father of your kids?" Leo clarified and I slowly nodded. "Sounds stupid as shit to me."

"Aight, I know I fucked up. Can y'all help me please."

"Did you apologize?" Eli asked me.

"Yeah, a hundred times at least. She ignored my texts and calls and won't let me come near her."

"I mean, maybe she feels like you'd actually do something like that and leave her to provide for the babies herself." Gio tried to put things in perspective.

"And that's exactly why you shouldn't have said that shit." Leo pointed at me.

"I think you just have to let the shit die down. You keep apologizing and bringing up the shit without letting her heal. It's probably overwhelming. And even if she don't take your ass back, you have to respect that. You're not entitled to be with her." Eli stressed.

"You right. I bet that nigga been blowing up her shit." Gio agreed.

"What if she don't let me see my children?" I expressed. That was one of the things I was really worried about.

"You said you didn't want to be there for them so she probably expects you to stand on that shit. Maybe if you make some type of effort. Like, buying stuff for the babies and giving them to Ms. T to give to her." Leo advised.

I took their advice seriously because I really needed Selah and our children in my life.

We went to the couch and watched the football game. We all drank a couple beers as we watched the game. I heard the backdoor open and Selah walked in. She went passed the stairs and to the guest bathroom. I had the urge to talk to her but I was trying to give her space, like Eli told me to do.

I missed her. I missed speaking to her and spending time with her. It was out of the ordinary for my life not to include her.

I wat he'd as she went back outside and something told me to follow after her. Maybe it was the drinks. Maybe it was my heart.

I went out side and she was sitting next to Sienna. Mama looked back at me and turned around like I wasn't there. They all seemed to pretend like I wasn't there.

"Selah, can I speak to you for a moment." I spoke up and she looked up at me.

"Uh, no." She shook her head and took a sip out of her drink. I tried to walked around to be closer to her but Mom stopped me.

"Go inside, Micaiah." She told me and I shook my hand out her grasp.

"I just wanna talk to her." I spoke agressively before making my way next to her.

"Micaiah, get away from me." She spoke quietly.

"Damn it, Selah! I just wanna talk to you. You ignore a nigga and expect me to leave you alone." I raised my voice at her.

Before anything else could happen, Eli rushed outside and pulled me away from them. I saw Selah breaking down in tears like I was always doing something to her.

She wanted me to kiss her ass and that wasn't gonna happen.

I pulled away from Eli and tried to go back over to her. He pulled my by my ear  to the side of the house.

"Fuck!" I yelled out at the pain.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He shouted at me. "I told you to leave her alone and you just can't help yourself. Leave that girl alone and let her live because now you're definitely not gonna get her back now. You've be lucky if she let you around her children."

"I'm not tryin' hear all that." I waved him off.

"Well, your gonna hear it, Prince! You keep fucking up because your angry. That girl owes you absolutely nothing. Nothing!"

"Okay." I said barely above a whisper. I fell so little and low right now.

I kept messing up because time wasn't moving fast enough for me. I wanted her to be over what I said and ready to be be around me again.

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