Chapter 6

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I had work today but it was a later shift so I slept in for a little longer. Mom came in my room earlier and told me Sienna was here because she and Gio had some fight.

I thought it wasn't that big of a deal because when they have fights she always comes over here to calm down. But when Mom told me she was crying, I'm not really sure what to think.

Sienna don't really be crying over arguments like that.

Gio had to something really bad for her to be crying. Sienna claims she's a bad bitch and that bad bitches don't cry so this gotta be serious.

I turned over to see Selah scrolling on her phone.

"Mornin', ugly." I wrapped my arms around her.

"Morning." She turned around to put her head on my chest.

"Sienna is here 'cause she and Gio had a fight." I told her and she pulled away from my embrace.

"We gotta be strictly best friends until further notice." She scooted to the edge of the bed.

"Oh, come on." I kissed my teeth. "My moms are here all the time and that don't matter."

"Your moms don't come in your room, like ever." She reasoned and she was right. Mama claimed my room was too messy.

I thought it was fine but I know Mama is a perfectionist. Mom just doesn't care to be in my room. She'll just call my phone if she needs me or to check on me.

"Sienna be coming in here without knocking." She reminded me.

"Aight, strictly bestfriends." I rolled my eyes.

"Aw, don't be mad." She laughed a sI waved her off, putting on a t-shirt before I left the room. I went downstairs and my mom's weren't even up yet.

I decided to make some breakfast for everybody, being that I was the man of the house and my moms would be on my ass if I made something for myself and not for the house.

I took the eggs out the fridge along with the turkey bacon. I took the biscuits out too and set the oven to preheat.

I turned on the stove and cooked the eggs first and then the bacon, making it extra crispy.

Finally finishing up, I took the biscuits out the oven, putting them on a plate. I left the eggs in the pan and put all the bacon in a plate too.

I took out the po there of orange juice that Mom made from the oranges from her garden. She claims that any other orange juice will make you sick.

We're also not allowed to bring fruit into her house if it's not from her garden.

I set the table and watered the plants in the center of the glass dining table.

I went back upstairs to get them to eat. I walked back into my room first.

"I made breakfast." I told Selahas I stood in the door frame.

"Yay." She jumped out of bed and I laughed.

I went to moms' room next.

"Hey, uglies. I made breakfast." I laid on their bad because they're ere still asleep.

"Boy, get off our bed. We're coming." Mama pushed me.

I went to Sienna's room next, preparing myself for whatever state she would be in. I opened the door slightly, seeing she was still asleep.

"Sienna." I whispered and she jumped up. "Calm down, cuz."

"What do you want, Micaiah?" She rubbed her puffy eyes.

"I made breakfast, if you want some." I tried to be nicer.

"Thanks." She said before she swung her legs off he bed.

By the time I was back downstairs, Mama was in the kitchen, pouring some type of liquor in her orange juice while Mom was sitting in a chair and Selah was sitting across from her.

"Mama, it's 10 in the morning." I sighed as she mixed her drink.

"I tried to tell her." Mom sighed too. Mom doesn't drink. She doesn't drink coffee either. Mama does both.  On a daily basis.

"She should drink some water." Mom added.

"Y'all goin' leave me alone. The doctor said I'm good so I ain't changing shit. I'm sorry I'm not natural like you, Evelyn." Mama retorted.

"Taylor, I'm not asking you to be like me. I'm just asking you to eat healthier." Mom explained and I felt like I was in the middle of something.

"Why can't you just let me be me, though?" Mama furrowed her eyebrows as she sat down, taking three pieces of bacon into her plate.

"Like, right there. I know for a fact Micaiah cooked that with a too much oil. I might eat one, but not three, Taylor. That's just unhealthy." Mom fussed.

I shared a plate for me and Selah before I too kit upstairs. I didn't even want to hear them argue right now. That was probably the most irritating thing to me.

I went back to my room and opened the balcony so Selah and I could eat outside.

"I haven't seen your moms get into it for a while." She prayed over her food before she ate her eggs first.

"Yeah, I wasn't even tryna hear that shit. That argument gonna be ongoing for like a week."

"Right." She agreed.

"Next time, make some pancakes too." She spoke with her mouth full.

"Girl, please. Be grateful." I laughed.

"I'm so serious, Micaiah. The only thing missing is Jose fluffly pancakes you make."

"Maybe next time" I shrugged.

"I be so jealous of you sometimes. You got so many talents and you do it so easily." Selah rolled her eyes.

"You can do a lot of things too." I smiled.

"Like what?"

"Well, you're good at doing hair and you're a great writer. Let's not forget how good you suck di-"

"Alright! I get it." Selah stopped me before I could finish my sentence, making me laugh. I was being honest, though.

"I wanna get back into writing." She said.

"Yeah, I loved reading your novels." I told her and she smiled.

"I know you did."

Since senior year, Selah has been writing novels she titled 'Alien Girl.' It was about this girl who was ona plane and it crashed. She was the only survivor and landed on a planet with thousands of aliens.

And a bunch of whole other drama.

She stopped writing for a while but I need to know more about her and the whole situation but she won't tell me the ideas she has in mind.

I begged her to publish them for real but she though they weren't that good. She only let me read them too. That's how bad she thought her novel was.

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