Chapter 18

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"Thank you both for sitting with me and letting me apologize. Mom, I apologize to you because I never meant to raise my voice at you or cuss at you. I was just tryning to defend myself. Mama, I am so sorry I let out the secret. I didn't mean to I was just really heated in the moment. I really didn't mean to cause any trouble in y'all marriage." I apolgized to them both.

My moms and I haven't been on speaking terms for almost a week and for me that was way too long.

"Mom, I just want you to understand that I can take care of a baby and Selah. I can provide for my baby and I will do so." I told her.

"I am sorry too. I wasn't trying to belittle you. I was just worried for you and I didn't want you to be ahead of yourself." Mom told me and I nodded.

"And Mama, I really didn't mean to spill the beans. I know you wanted to surprise her and everything and I ruined that." I diverted my eyes to my mama.

"I know, Micaiah." She nodded. "I accept your apology."

I felt a relief in my chest to know she's not upset with me anymore.

"I know y'all want me to be careful and stuff and live my life but I can still do that with my child in this world. What matters more to me than y'all yelling at me is Selah thinking y'all want her to get rid of our baby. She has been sad and crying for 3 days because she feels as though y'all, specifically Mom, doesn't want her to have my baby. I can't have that." I elucidated.

The table went silent and I took a deep breath before I was about to leave the table. Selah wanted me to apologize and whatever. I didn't want to. Though I shouldn't have talked to my mom like that and I owed my Mama an apology, I shouldn't have to apologize for being grown and having a baby.

"We understand, son." Mom blurted out as I was about to make my way up the stairs.

"Thank you." I smiled small. That's all that I needed. I was home without Selah today because she had work and I didn't.

Our schedules haven't been matching up lately at work.

I decided that I didn't want to stay home today. I knew that Gio was probably with Sienna even though she emphasized that she needed to focus on school. Leo was with Keenan and I probably wouldn't be hearing from him until next month.

I called up Eli and he picked up immediately.

"Wassup, nigga?"

"Not much. What you up to?"

"Hangin' with my lady." He sung.

"Elijah, you mean to tell me you got a whole girl and you ain't tell me?"

"Man, I ain't gotta tell you shit."

"Well can I meet her?"

"Nah, I don't want to have to explain to her that you my kid but you're not. She finna think I got two baby mamas or some shit. I'm not up for that conversation." He explained and I laughed.

"Aight, I call you later."

I hung up and hopped in the shower. I walked out and brushed my teeth. I looked at my locs and they definitely needed some rerwisting. I could do it myself but I'd rather Selah do it.

I pulled them up into a ponytail until she came home.

My phone started ringing loudly and I looked at the caller ID, seeing it was Leo.

"Yo." I answered.

"Micaiah, come get me. This nigga got me fucked up."

Oh Lord.

"What happened?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I set my phone down so I could get dressed.

"I'll tell you when you get here." He said before he hung up on me.

"Jesus, give me the strength." I mumbled to myself.


"This nigga has me hot right now." Leo spoke through his teeth.

"What the fuck are you so mad about?" I asked as I pulled off.

"He has a wife." He rolled his eyes and I gasped. "This nigga talking 'bout he want us to be together and he got a whole wife."

"How you be at his house 24/7 and didn't know he was married?" I knitted my eyebrows.

"Apparently, ol' girl was on a business trip. She came home and the bitch screamed when she saw me naked in the bed."

"He ain't leave any rings around? No couple pictures?"

This was kinda funny to me but I knew he was mad.

"Nope. Nothin'. I ought to steal his girl." He shook his head.

"You think she would really wanna be with you after you slept with her husband?"

"Hell yeah."

"Just relax. There are more fish in the sea." I nudged his head a little.

"Dicks don't swim."

"Not what I meant, Leo." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Anyway, take me Leisha's house."

Leisha was Leo's sister who lived in the big ass, rich neighborhood.


"I'll just hang out with my nieces instead. I don't need no broke nigga anyway." He assured himself.

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