𝟷𝟻-𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝙼𝚎•

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(y/n)'s POV
I continuously flicked through the channels to the television that sat in Jackson's private room; not finding anything that peaked my interest. I don't watch regular television that often, I'm usually shifting between streaming services at home, so truthfully, I hardly recognized anything on at the moment.

"But when is he going to wake up?" Jackson's mom, Abby, was speaking to the doctor; asking him the same question at least four times per hour.

And he always respectfully gave her the same answer, "It all depends on him at this point; we've done everything we can on our end, it's his turn to fight."

"But how long will that be?" She asked, and I held in an eye roll. Dumbass.

I decided to tune them out as I continued channel surfing, until I landed on the news. My eyes widened, and my heart stopped.

I frantically tapped the volume button so I could hear the TV over the sound of Abby's incessant questions, and the doctors repetitive replies.

"Anakin Skywalker; now known as the leader of the underground gang, the Sith. Reported to be involved in numerous counts of assault, arson, larceny, drug possession and distribution, first degree murder, second degree murder, and felony murder."

First degree murder: a murder with malice and no justifiable cause that was premeditated, as in, it was planned beforehand.
Second degree murder: a murder with malice and no justifiable cause that was not premeditated, as in, it was not planned and is usually a heat of the moment type of thing.
Felony murder: a murder that takes place while committing another felony.
(So you can understand the difference 🥰)

"D.A is fighting for incarceration, rather than him being institutionalized."

"If the D.A is successful in getting him moved, they're asking for the death penalty."

I hardly heard what was said between any of those sentences, but those are the ones that stuck with me; making my blood run cold, "Gangsters," Jackson's dad, Rohan, huffed from the chair that sat opposite of me, "They bring nothing good to the communities they inhabit. I say let him die; it would be one less piece of trash in this world."

I tightened my grip on the remote painfully, resisting the urge to throw it at him. It's clear where Jackson got his mindset from, and his intelligence surely came from his mother.

I stood up and tossed the remote onto the bed near where he was, "I'm going home to shower, change, eat, and rest for a bit; I'll be back in a few hours."

Rohan nodded without giving me a second glance, and grabbed the remote; immediately putting on a golfing channel.

Without wasting another second; I left the room and rushed down the hallway to get out and to my car as quick as possible. I wasn't really going home—although I will have to eventually to change my clothes so they didn't know I was lying—but I was first going to the institution. I needed to know what happened, and how people found out his secret. The same secret he told me not too long ago, and practically threatened me to keep quiet about.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't panicking, them mentioning death penalty frightened me. I was praying that they wouldn't succeed in getting him out of the institution. I couldn't imagine anything like that happening to him, I would be utterly devastated.

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