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(y/n)'s POV
Tightly cocooning myself in the thin blanket that was once Anakin's - I kept my gaze glued to the wall and traveled my line of sight along the carved etchings created by him.

There was his initials, as well as tally marks - marking the days he had been here, and common stick figures where one killed the other. Judging by the obvious scar on one and the small amount of facial hair on the dead one - it wasn't hard to place that it was meant to be him killing Kenobi. I couldn't help but giggle at his child-like creation, it was probably the only way he could take out his frustration - but I found it to be humorous.

I was curious as to what he could have gotten his hands on that made these delightfully smooth engravings, but it is him after-all. I highly doubt he was even allowed access to paper, yet I was receiving an origami rose nearly everyday.

I lifted my hand slowly, and ran my finger-tips along his initials that could easily be seen due to the moonlight peering in through the window, "I miss you." I whispered, feeling my heart clench at the thought of him.

I know I should be seeing him soon, but I was still in the dark about what was happening - so I wasn't sure how soon that was. It could be today, tomorrow, a week from now maybe, I really don't know - I just wish he was a little more specific with me before hanging up.

I tried questioning Kenobi, but he wouldn't even speak to me as him and his guards got me out of the basement, and practically dragged me back up here into the room. I even received a bruise on my knee from how hard I hit the ground after they harshly threw me in here like I was some kind of animal.

Whatever Anakin said to him during that phone call - really must have pissed him off because I could nearly see the steam rising from him as he glared at me through the small window on the door, before he finally walked away.

That was a few hours ago, and I've been laying on this bed - staring at the wall since. My thoughts had traveled to multiple dark corners of my mind, and I vividly watched myself kill Jackson and his parents on repeat. It was a good time killer, and it also gave me a boost of serotonin. It may seem sickening to some to feel such joy over my gruesome actions - but no one understands the hell I went through, their deaths were long awaited and kind in comparison to what I went through.

I was pulled away from my thoughts by the sound of a bird chirping outside my window. I decided to ignore it at first, until I realized it was night and birds don't necessarily chirp during this time.

I removed the blanket from over me, and stepped out of the bed before walking towards the barred window - my gaze landing on a figure in the distance. Then I heard it again, the noise I thought was merely the chirping of birds, was actually a whistle coming from the direction of this person.

I had a small amount of hope that it was Anakin, but the obvious long hair that reached down to their hips made me believe otherwise. I was confused for a moment on their purpose, then I heard them whistle again, this time much louder - like they were trying to get my attention. So I opted to do the only thing that came to mind - I whistled back in the same way.

As soon as I did, they nodded in my direction and turned away with their hands in their coat pockets - disappearing into the dark shadows of the night. It seemed like they were only waiting for me to whistle back - to signal that I was still alive maybe? Since I know Anakin has a great deal of trust issues, especially when it comes to Kenobi.

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