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(TW: Blood, Crude Language)

Anakin's POV
I stared down at my tray of untouched food as my mind wandered to the events of last night. The memory of her soft skin, and the sound of her sweet whimpers caused my heart to palpitate.

I always expected to sleep with her, it was all apart of the plan I created the moment I met her. To get her to fall for me, trust me, give in to me; until eventually I could use her to get what I really want, and she would do it without second guessing.

I saw it in her eyes that she was beaten down, broken, and longing to feel truly cared for, safe, and important. So I chose to use that to my advantage, to successfully manipulate her; I considered it to be an easy win.

I shared my secrets with her to gain her trust.

I whispered sweet nothings into her ear, told her what she wanted to hear, and made her gifts like the drawings and the rose; making her feel important and cared for to gain her affection.

I killed Windu and told her that it was for her own safety, which was a lie I did it because he threatened my plan, but it made her feel safe, and it made her trust me more.

That's when I believe she began to slowly let her guard down around me.

Then there was the riot that I had started...now she feels even safer with me knowing that I wouldn't hurt her, even though I had every opportunity to. She fully let her guard down that day as I had hoped, and let me kiss her; thus strengthening her affection for me.

Add all that with our daily conversations, and the sexual encounters these past two nights; I now hold her heart in the palm of my hands. So, everything has been working out exactly how how I expected it to.

Except for one thing.

I didn't expect the exuberant fluttering I got in my stomach every time she enters a room. Or the way my heart rate quickens when she smiles or even just glances in my direction. Or how angrily jealousy I got when she brought up her sex-life with Jackson. Not to mention that I can't stop fucking thinking about her, no matter how hard I try.

Also, I'm no angel, I've had the sexual company of plenty of women in my time. But never once have I ever felt what I felt when I was having sex with her. It was exhilarating; her body and her soft lips were intoxicating, and I even found myself craving more of her. Which was strange because I've never craved someone after sleeping with them.

But she's... different, I wasn't even planning for that second time to happen. But when I got jealous, I couldn't stand it, I felt like I had to lay claim.

I had no control over these feelings, and not having control wasn't something I was used to. It made me angry to feel this way, these feelings are completely unwanted.

I hate that she has this affect on me, I hate that I don't have control over it, I hate that I can't turn it off.. and I fucking hate her for leaving my mind in an unsteady state of rage and confusion.

I have a strict plan in place, and she—in that way, is not apart of my plan. Im supposed to kill her after I get out of here, to dispose of her when she no longer had any use to me; I'd be tying up a loose end.

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