𝟹𝟷-𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚢 𝙸𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎

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Anakin's POV
I slid into the backseat of Piett's car and gently grabbed (y/n)'s head so I could place her on my lap as I did so, "We're just going to leave that woman and her kid out here?" Piett questioned as he got into the drivers seat, and gently closed his door. It wasn't a question of concern, but merely curiosity.

I shrugged and inspected (y/n)'s bruised jaw as I spoke - turning her head gently side to side to make sure no damage was severe, "Yes, it's only an hour long walk to the main road. Let's just hope for their sakes that the coyotes aren't active or hungry tonight." I smirked as I kept my eyes on the woman in my grasp. I then reached for the hem of her shirt and gently lifted it - taking notice to the dark purple bruises covering her stomach that made my blood boil over.

Piett snorted as he turned on his car and the loud engine muffled out the sounds of the woman's cries from outside. The last I saw of her, she was clutching her dead husband in her arms. It might sound monstrous to say that I don't feel bad, but I really don't - not after everything he did to me. I refuse to feel any sympathy involving that man. He sure as hell wouldn't have felt any if he ever killed me, or even the innocent girl in my arms who was probably seconds from dead.

And yes, despite her clear act of violence and murder - I still consider her innocent. She did what she was driven to do, she killed her tormenter and those who wronged her to feel pure freedom, which is something I can first-handedly understand.

I didn't even need to be there to know that she was provoked into it - she's not the kind of person to just start murdering people on a whim, these bruises were probably from Jackson on that very night. I just wish I was around to keep all of it from even happening, or taking matters into my own hands and killed him myself so she didn't have to go through his abuse - even if the thought of her killing him turns me on.

"I'm so sorry I left, but I promise - I'll never leave you again." I whispered as I ran my fingers along the bruises on her stomach as she slept quietly with slow breathing.

I finally took my eyes away from her, and glanced up to meet Piett's gaze through the rearview mirror after feeling his stare on me, "All this trouble, for that girl. You really are in love with her aren't you?" He questioned even though I can tell by the look he was giving me that he already knew the answer - he just wanted to hear me say it out loud. Like me feeling something as pure as love is meant to be observed as a rarity.

I tilted my head as I smiled, "How long have I known you Piett?"

He furrowed his brows in confusion at my sudden question, but answered it anyway, "Eleven years, almost twelve."

I nodded, "That's right, nearly twelve years. I practically raised you since you were just a kid. I put you through school, I taught you how to drive - after teaching myself - and even bought you your first car," He continued staring at me with a confused expression as I carried on with what may seem like a random story-time to him - but as always, I had a purpose, "In my own way, I guess I could even say that I deeply care about you. You've always been a loyal brother throughout the years, and I would no doubt be affected if anything happened to you." His confused expression fell slightly - a smile taking its place, "But you see this girl here," I placed a hand on her warm cheek, and she faintly shifted in her sleep with a low groan, "I haven't known her even a fraction as long as I've known you. But if you were to ever put her in harms way - I wouldn't hesitate to kill you the same way I killed Obi-Wan." I shrugged casually, "Does that answer your question?"

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