Chapter Nine

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"Sometimes we humans need to realize that we are not always as tough as we think are. We all have times when our knees go weak, and our minds go blank. But that is why there's someone called a 'friend', and you know why they are friends? Because their always there, no matter what."

- quote by allison (me)


• Mia's point of view

I walked into the double glass doors of the school with a confident grin on my face. I felt like I had just conquered the world, however, that was not the case. I had just told off my soon-to-be ex-fiancé AND his self-centered, snobbish, most likely to be a sl..woah, I should definitely stop. As I walked through the hall I weaves through groups of people, searching for Seth or Naomi.

"Hey Mia!"

SPLAT! Right in the face, I felt a cold splash of something in my face.

"Now, who's the female dog? Ruff, ruff." Did she just bark at me? I felt tears prickle in my eyes, but I contained them and shit my most cold glare I could muster towards Christina.

"I believe you have to be on your knees to bark, dog." I spat before I felt someone's hand grip around my wrist, and drag me out of the midst of e growing crowd. I knew it was Seth, with out even looking up. Seems like he was always there when things were bound, had previously gone wrong. Once we got to a secluded place he pulled me to face him.

"What happened back there? Tell me, please." I finally looked up to see Seth's green eyes peering down at me; almost as if he was trying to read my mind. For once I felt tears begin to pour down , cheeks and all Seth did was pull me into his arms, gently raking his fingers through my hair.

"Tha- that,....she's ruining my life! Every time I think I have gotten ahead of her, she finds another way to bounce ahead, once again." I said, my hands crumpling into weak fists. For a few moments he stood quietly, his arms holding me safely until he saw my tears begin to retreat. "Mia, may I ask you an honest question?" He asked, one of his perfectly-shaped eyebrows rising. I nodded in response.

"Why do you allow her to ruin your life?"

I stared blankly at him. I had never thought about it.

Why do I allow her to ruin my life? Always take what's mine?

I gave a shrug of my small shoulders and replied. "I don't know. I just allow her to because..well.., I don't know."

Seth sighed, sounding like a mother who was disappointed at her teen darter for sneaking out late at night. I couldn't help it; it was the best I could come up with. "Well, I thought there was a purpose for everything." I rolled my eyes at his bold answer. I couldn't help but feel a bit angered, though more so embarrassed at the fact that I had no strong comeback in mind.

We stood in silence for a few before I withdrawaled from his kind grip, stepping away. "Well, I guess it is no such thing in my mind, eh?" I joked, or well, unsuccessfully joked with a slight eye roll, then looking away. My eyes transfixed on the janitor who was a short distance down the hall, mopping up the sticky soda which had managed to drop to the ground instead of on my face, like the its other half had.

Seth noticed I had been watching the spill disappear and shot me an apologetic look. "Sorry, Mia. Would you like a ride home for a change of clothes?" He offered, flashing the alluring smile he had been using to draw me in.

My hand reach to interlock itself with his and as my lips gave a willing smile. "Sure, that would be nice." Seth took my hand, guiding me through the crowd of teens who were still awaiting me to make my next move, or smart comeback. Instead, I marched right up to Christina with a smirk on my face.

"You win." From that moment then, I felt so much better about myself. It was truly an unusual feeling, shall I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2013 ⏰

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