Chapter Five

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"Always been the kind of girl, that hid my face. So afraid to tell the world, what I've got to say.."

"Now I've found, who I am. There's no way to hold it in. No more hiding who I wanna be, this is me."


Blake's pov --

I sat in my bedroom with my head in my hands. Today had been horrible. Besides that fact Christina won't even text me back and goodness this is all too much. I even tried talking to my parents and I still get the same old reply.


"Mom, Dad!" I called up the stairs.

They both came down after one another and smiled pleasantly.

"What's wrong honey?" My mother smiled.

"This marriage or arranged marriage is what's wrong!" I said, pacing. I bawled my hands into my hair in frustration.

"Oh Blake sweetie, it's not that bad. Aren't you and Mia getting along well?"

I turned and fought the desire to glare at my mother. "No." I answered through gritted teeth. Or were we? I really have no clue.

"You teens, so dramatic. I am quite sure this will all turn out well. Just calm down, hun." My mother soothed, brushing my tousled, messy hair back down.

"Mom I am not dramatic! It's just the truth. Don't you care about my happiness? Huh? What I want? I have a girlfriend! Yeah! I do, you never realized it because you only care about yourself! You are so busy with work you can't even realize that your own son is in love!"

"Blake Ethan Tenney! Do not use that tone with your mother!" My father scolded, stepping in front of my mother.

"Bull crap! I'm done here. And I am not marrying that nerdy, weird girl!" And with that I stomped to my bedroom.

"Blake! Get back here now."

I stopped in my steps and turned to look at my mother. "You don't know what love is. And for your marriage, oh honey it's still on. No ifs, ands or buts. Now go to your room."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes before treading to my bedroom.


I had never used that tone with my mother. I never wanted to either.

I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door and looked up, sighing. "Come in." The door knob twisted and I saw my mother peek in before approaching me slowly.

"Blake, honey..I-I--"She started but I cut her off. "It's fine mom..I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just don't really wanna settle down so quickly..and especially with someone I barely know. I mean, everytime I go to pick her up for school it's so awkward. I know she may not like me..but it seems as if she hates me almost. And I don't wanna ruin my life by trying to look happy with someone I'm not...and truth be told, I don't wish for Mia to have that either. Don't you see? I really love Christina..whether she does back o-or not."

My mother looked like she wanted to break down in tears, but she held them in pretty well.

"Blakey..oh my..I never knew how much you loved that girl Christina." She said, holding her hand over her chest as she sat beside me on my bed. "I just want you to be happy honey..and Mia..she seems perfect for you. I mean Christina, she just doesn't seem your type..she's so flouncy and whatnot. Mia is down to earth, not to high in the sky for her looks. Can't you at least try to learn to love her? I'm sure we can get Mia's parents to talk to her..she can learn to love you too."

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