2:Rain dance

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Hello guys

What's up

(I know ceiling🤣🤣🤣)

Previously:Sidshek saw a dream

Nigam mansion

Sidshek got ready and came down for breakfast

Sid's dad=SD

SD:good morning boys

Sidshek:good morning dad

SD:abhi today there is an urgent meeting in office but I have to somewhere else can you attend it

Abhi:dad i cant go

Sid:I will go dad

Abhi:thank you mer bhai

Sid smiled

SD:ok then I will send you the information


Sid gets ready and leaves for office

Abhi also gets ready and leaves

Abhi goes to his work

After completing his work he wa going towards his home when suddenly his car stopped he started checking it

He went down of the car and started repairing it

He was coming out of the car when he saw that it was raining

He started enjoying the rain

Then he saw another person was their dancing

It was a girl she was dancing very beautifully

He started admiring her then he also went and started dancing with her

Both of them were moving with the dance perfectly

After sometime the rain stopped both of them stopped dancing

Abhi:hi I'm abhi

Girl:I'm hasini

Abhi:you are a good dancer

Has:thank you and you are also not less

Abhi(while bowing his head): thank you


Abhi was admiring her

Abhi's pov

Wow she is so beautiful even if she is laughing she looks so cute just like an angl

He was lost in his thoughts

Has shooked him

Has:hey where are you lost

Abhi:in you

Has:what did you say something


Has:bye I'm going now

She left from their

Abhi:hey atleast tell that when will you meet me again

Has(screaming):when it will rain again

Abhi: haye I will wait for you

How's the chapter?

How is abhisha's meet?

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