4:Marriage and Deal

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Hey lovelies

Let's start the chapter

Previously:sidneet met

At a tall building

Amir nigam:SD

Amir entered the building and two girls sitting in the couch with a mask on their face

Amir:mam you called me here

Girl1:yes we called you here because of something important

Girl2:you wanted the project of our company right


Girl1:and for that you can do anything


Girl2:we are going to give you the project

Girl1:but in one condition

Amir:what is that

Girl2:you have to do our marriage with your sons


Girl1:yes it should happen in a month

Girl2:but your Son's shouldn't know about this marriage until we want

Girl1:if this marriage happens we will give you a lot of money

Amir thought for sometime and said

Amir:ok I accept the deal but why are you wearing masks

Girl2:none of your business

Amir:ok I will start the preparation

Both girls:okay father in law

Amir left from their

As soon as he went both of them smirked evily and changed into their naagin forms and went away


Hasini is seen feeding birds in a garden

Abhi was going in that way and saw her he got down of the car and went towards hasini admiring her


Has:oh hi

Abhi:you come here every day

Has:ya because I believe birds are the signs of peace and coming to this place gives me a lot of happiness

Abhi:can I also do that

Has:ya sure

He handed hin the pouch of bird food to him

Abhi also started feeding them

After sometime the birds flew away

Abhi:can we go on a walk


They started walking together

Abhi:can I call you hasi


Abhi:because your smile is so beautiful and it makes you look like an angel

Has blushed


Both of them were enjoying each other's company laughing and talking

Has:how I have to go abhi

Abhi:ok bye


Has left

Abhi smiled to himself and left to his house

Precap: someone enters the room and sana screams

How's the chapter?

What will be sidshek's reaction after knowing about their marriage?

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