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Double update 🥳🥳🥳

Let's start the chapter

Previously:Sidshek's wedding completed

Both the girls went to sidshek's room

Abhi's pov

Now I'm going towards my room to see my wife for the first time yes I didn't saw her or I know her name they kept everything secret I dont know that I can keep my wife happy or not what if I hurt her because of my love for hasi I will try my best to keep her happy but no one can take hasi's place in my heart

Same with sid both of them went inside their room

Sid's pov

I went inside my room which was decorated beautifully filled with colours huh there is no color in my life I saw my wife sitting on bed still covering her face i went towards her and slowly removed her veil but i closed my eyes i turned around

Sid:you can change you dress it might be heavy

I heard her humming

She went inside the bathroom I changed myself in the bedroom itself after sometime i heard the bathroom door opening after I saw her my jaw dropped oh my god what is she doing here is she my wife i saw her face she was not at all surprised to see me here instead she was seeing me normally what is happening in my life

Sid:what are you doing here

She replied "I'm your wife so I will stay here right "

Sid:why didnt you tell this to me before

She replied "I saw you in photos only then how can I talk to you "

Sid:dont lie I know we both met a lot of times

She replied "hey I'm not the person whom you are thinking "

Sid was confused that why she isn't accepting

With abhi

He went inside the room and saw his wife sitting without veil yes after seeing her his jaw dropped

Abhi's wife:hey are okay

She shooked him

He came out of shock and fainted😂😂

Abhi's wife:ih god this guy how I'm going to live my entire life with him

She placed him on the bed changed her dress and slept in the couch

End of chapter

How's the chapter?

Why did abhi faint?

Who are sidshek's wives any guesses?

In next chapter I'm going to reveal the girls identities

Are you excited?

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Stay tuned

Today's question

Did you ever steal chocolates from your house when mother denied ?

I always used to do this 😁😁

Goals:14+votes and comments

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