47:Past 1

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Let's start the chapter.

Memories of past flashed in his mind


Avneet and yesha were playing in  the garden they both were just 5 years old

When two snakes came there and change pinto human forms

Avu/hasi:mumma papa

So they were their parents sonia and aman

Sonia:my princesses how are you?

Avu/hasi:fine momma  papa today also you are going there

Aman:yes princesses we have to go and protect those diamonds and when you will grow up you will also fo there



Avu and hasi started jumping

When they both were doing that a snake came and surrounded then

When they both also turned into snakes and started fighting with the snake

Sonia and aman started laughing

Sonia:kids stop your fight

Avu and hasi turned into Their human forms

Avu:mumma he is the on whose fought with us first

Aman:jai change your form

The snake turned into a boy who was jai a avu and hasi's elder brother who is more naughty than them he is 10 years old

Jai:papa you always support them no on loves me

He said pouting

Hasi/Avu:no bhaiya we love you so much

They said and hugged jai

Jai:I also love you my chudails

Avu and hasi took the hug

Avu/hasi:huhhh we hate you bhoot

They said glaring hai and he laughed

Sonia:kids stope fighting and jai today you have to come with us to the temple

Jai:yaaaY I'm very excited

Aman:princesses both of you be careful okay

Avy/hasi:ok papa

End of chapter

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