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How are you all

Previously:sana got unconscious and sid went close to her


Next morning

Sana stirred her in eyes she felt someone hugging her she slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was hugging sid and he shirtless

(A/N:guys what are you all thinking )

Yesterday's memories flashed in her mind she kept a hand on her mouth

Sana's pov

Last night we were in the cliff but I saw a snake and got scared because of it both of us fell in thr river after that I was drowning I called sid for help before I came near me I blacked out when I open my eyes I was shocked to see sid sleeping hugging me and h.he w..as s.hi...rti.less what happened yesterday did we both.
oh god what I did

She started crying remembering everything

Sid woke up listening her sobs

Sid:hey hey nothing happened yesterday you fell in river I took you out and your body was getting cold so I just hugged you and slept


Sid nodded

Sana felt happy and hugged him

Sana:thank you so much

Sid:I hope now you trust me

Sana:more than anyone

Sid smirked

Sid:I think someone is liking hugging me shirtless

Sana understood and quickly broke the hug

Sana:I'm sorry

Sid:its ok

Sid burst out laughing


She started hitting him with her hands

Sid:hey stop we have to go back everyone must worried

Sana:ok let's go

Sid wore his shirt

Both of reached their respective houses

Sid went inside nigam mansion

He saw that everyone were looking tensed

Abhi noticed sid and quickly went towards him and hugged him

He broke the hug and said

Abhi:sid are you okay? Where were you? Why did you came this much late? Do you had any problem? Tell me ashu why are you silent

Sid:dada if you let me say then only I will say right

Sid:I'm completely fine. It's just that me sana went towards the hill and unconsciously we slept. And we didn't had any problem

Abhi:okay now go and take rest you must be tired

Sid went towards her mom and hugged her and left to his room

Sid's pov

I went In side my room and took a hot shower and came back in by wrapping a towel when I came out I was shocked to see sana there what is she doing here and how did she came here she was staring me continuously I'm a looking weird I checked myself oh god 🥶 I was just in a towel shit 😳

End of pov

Sid:s.ana ..wh.a..t a...re.. you..d.oi..ng he..re?

Sana:what will I do here I came to see you

Sid:to see me (he said pointing towards himself)


She started coming close to him

Siddharth closed his eyes I fear

After sometime he felt nothing he opened his eyes and saw that there was no one

(A/N:yes guys it was his hallucination 🤣🤣)

Sid😳:means it was my hallucination

He rubbed his hands shyly on his back

How's the chapter?

Is sid falling for sana?

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(In next chapter abhisha scenes are you excited tell me in the comments)

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