42:I want.......

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Hello giys

At nigam mansion

Abhi was in his room scrolling through his phone and hasi came there after having shower

She was drying her hair when sm1 backhugged her

(Do you know who?)

It was abhi

Hasi:abhi waht are you doing?

He moved towards her ear and whispered

Abhi:romancing with my wife

Hais:.b..ut n.ot no.w what if sm1 comes

Abhi:I dont care

Hasi:abhi leave me


Hasi turned around and kept her hands around his neck

Hasi:today my husband seems to be in romantic mood

Abhi:if we have this much beautiful wife then every second we will become romantic

Hasi:oh but not now I have work

She said and left him and was about to leave the room

When abhi caught her hand

Abhi:not so soon MRS.Nigam

Hasi:abhi leave my hand

Abhi pulled he close to him and she landed on him keeping her hands on his chest

Abhi(huskily):you can't escape from me

Hasi:w..h..at d..o y.o.u w..an.t

Abhi:With this beautiful hands

He said holding he hands

Abhi:i want a ......................

(Tell me what will abhi ask comment truly😉)

Abhi:i want a coffee

Hasi released her breath which she was holding from a lot of time

Hasi:ok I will make you a coffee


Hasi went to the kitchen and made a coffee for abhi

She took the cup and went to their room

She handed him the cup

Abhi took a sip and said

Abhi:you didn't add sugar in this

Hasi:waht bit I added everything correctly

Abhi:no there is no sugar

Hasi:no let me check

Hasi took the cup and drank  a little bit

Hasi:everything is perfect sugar is also there

Abhi:let me check

Abhi took the cup and drank it

Abhi😏😏:it is very tasty now just like you lips son I will taste them also

Hasi understood what he meant and turned completely red

Hasi😳😳:I will go now

End of chapter

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Today's question

Chai or coffee?


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